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Anxious about the the thought of war.

Community Member

Hey guys

I have been feeling incredibly anxious for the last couple of weeks die to the situation with Ukraine and im starting to really fall off the deep end of anxiety.

I understand this is completely out of my control and all, but i guess this has always been a sensitive topic to me for a long time and never really left.

does anyone else have this fear and anxiety and if so please tell me how you cope and move on about your day, I’ve been posing so much sleep over this.

Please help x

16 Replies 16

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Kate, I know exactly how you are feeling and question why this leader has lied to the world believing that nothing will be done, except for sanctions, as the rest of the Allies are grouping together and forming a strategy.

It's the loss of lives is what we don't want and totally unnecessary, but one way or another it will be stopped.

I'm sure no country in the world wants to go through another war and for what purpose, so please try and not think of any of this, we can't do anything.

Best wishes.

Geoff. x

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Kate

While being sensitive can be a blessing in so many ways, sometimes it can appear as what feels like a curse. To feel so much for so many is a beautiful thing until you begin to feel their sufferance. Kate, you sound like such a beautiful highly sensitive person. The world is truly blessed to have you in it. My heart goes out to you as you work so hard to manage the 'curse' side of sensitivity.

I've found over the years, in my efforts to manage not re-entering into depression, feelings play a major factor. As sensitive people, we'll feel/sense so much. We can feel what we hear, what we see, our internal dialogue (good or bad), what we imagine in our mind and so much more. We can feel music, certain colours, the sounds of nature and when there's too much going on at once. For a sensitive person, to be almost constantly feeling, things can get pretty exhausting. As they say, emotion is energy in motion throughout the body. With a lot of energy systems (vascular, endocrine, neurlogical etc) we can end up feeling over all exhaustion.

If there's one thing that'll trigger just about every system/channel of energy into hyperactivity it's the news. 'Leading news stories' takes on a whole different meaning when you consider life's a little like 'Follow the leader' at times. If we follow the news, it'll typically lead us to stress, hopelessness, anger, frustration, sufferance etc. The news, in general, is depressing and stressful. In the world of media, depressing and stressful get the most ratings, which helps explain the heavy focus on such things. Just look at the covid frenzy when it first started in the media. It was all about fear, sickness, death, sufferance and numbers. Day in and day out, this is largely how we were led by the media.

As a 51yo gal, my mum actually filters the news for me. I don't get her to watch it or read the paper, she simply delivers to me what she sees and reads. I actually try to encourage her to have less to do with this kind of stuff, for her mental/emotional well being. I manage through basically being kept up to date. For me, basic means there must be little emotion in what I'm hearing unless it's constructive emotion. I don't want to hear about the kind of stuff I can do absolutely nothing about. Hopelessness and helplessness are major triggers. The media can be productive at times, leading us to complete intolerance. It's through such intolerance that changes come about.

How does the news lead you to feel? Drained?

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Kate505,

I am also feeling worried about what is happening in the Ukraine too. It is so sad that innocent people are scared and dying because of Putin's actions. It makes me wonder why he keeps getting voted back in. He is not right in the head to start a war because Ukraine wants to join NATO. Ive also had anxiety about north korea too. Im not at the point that I am losing sleep from it though. We are lucky to be safe in Australia, Scott Morrison is trying to not get us involved with all this. I tell myself not to worry until there is something to actually worry about. I can understand that you are fragile as we have been going through a pandemic for the last 3 years and its caused many people to feel on edge. May I suggest taking a herbal anti anxiety suppliment? or going to see you GP to see some short term treatment? I can also suggest to avoid any news or social media for a while as well. Spend time going some activities that you enjoy.

Take care


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Kate505,

Wellcome to our forums!

Im sorry you are feeling this way.

I understand seeing and hearing these things can make us feel anxious.

As some of our other beautiful community members have said try to turn off the news and social media.

Instead of putting your attention on the negative things turn your attention more to the positive things in your life.

The more we can train our attention on being in the positive, the more peaceful our life will become.

As a quote from tiny Buddha


Begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.….

Community Member
I too have been feeling like this (i have a thread already on this). My parents don't help. Went to see my 84 year old dad today who asked me "if i was ready for war" and "he was surprised Putin hadn't pressed the nuclear button already". I have had to have time off work this week because i just can't cope with what is going on. I can cope if i don't see any news or anything but its just so totally depressing especially as i have a 13 year old son. We don't watch the news but i know he has looked at it on youtube and i don't know what to say to him about it if he asks me as i feel so negative about the world. My husband says don't worry but i am terrified.

Hi Bookgirl,

Im sorry you are feeling this way.

I’m sorry you are feeling terrified and for what your Dad said to you.

For someone who is experiencing anxiety in my experience when our anxiety is already on alert things that don’t usually make us anxious start to make us anxious.

If you are feeling distressed I recommend you see your gp and discuss the way your anxiety is making you feel and how it is affecting your life.

You could do a mental health plan together this will enable you to see a psychologist.

I understand watching and hearing what is happening at the moment is unsettling just try your best to tune out and focus on the positive things in your life.

I understand your son may be hearing what’s happening in the world I feel when our children ask we can just calmly let them know what we feel they need to know and then help turn our and their attention onto something more positive.

We can’t control what is happening we can only control how we react to it…


Community Member
Kate505 this has always been a trigger for me from being raised in the 80s when we were all taught at school about nuclear war and it terrified me - and still does. Like you North Korea and also Donald Trump traumatised me. My parents were never supportive. When 9/11 happened my mother asked me "well how much time do you think we have left to live". I guess that's why i think like i do. I have got a psych who i am going to see on wed and am on medication but am struggling a lot because these topics have always been huge anxiety producing monsters for me. I thinking of you and like you i am trying to get just through each day at a time.

Bookgirl and kate505,

If we wish to do something positive for Ukraine let’s pray for them we can still direct our positive energy towards all of Ukraine…….. let’s give them the gift of our love and positive energy to help lift them in their times of need ❤️🙏

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Bookgirl and kate505,

I hear you both. I was not raised during the cold war so I thankfully don't have that history embedded as much in my mind, but there are so many things going on and it can be very easy to get overwhelmed by the possibilities and "what ifs?"

As Petal22 mentioned, it can be very helpful to redirect that anxiety towards a positive thing.

If you have the means, it could be something as direct as looking and what charities or NGOs are supporting the people there, and contributing in that way. If you are spiritual or religious, you could consider something to send your well wishes and hopes for an end to the suffering of so many people.

Personally, I try to maintain a distance as much as possible, but I keep tabs on the main events because, when all this done, people will be in need of help. So I try not to lose energy and hope on just consuming all the bad news, but rather focus on ways to help.
