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Health Anxiety My living nightmare!!!!

Community Member

Hi , first time here

as you’ve probably already guessed I suffer with health anxiety it all started 6yrs ago with a major panic Attack which required an ambulance and a stay in hospital as I really thought I was dying and new nothing about what a panic Attack was until that day , fast forward to now & cut a long story short I was diagnosed with a thyroid issue have been on medication now for a few years and it seems to be ok but it can sometimes play up which can increase my anxiety pretty bad when my levels are out I’m also on medication to try and combat the anxiety but sometimes when I’m really worried and anxious it doesn’t do a great deal . Like at the moment , about 6 weeks ago I was out with my husband and 2 year old and we were in a shop and I was literally fine talking away not thinking of a thing and then out of no where I got a very severe pain in the side of my head so bad I felt a bit sick and had to sit down it didn’t last long maybe 1min if that and it was gone had a couple of twinges later in the afternoon but nothing more after that and I have never experienced anything like it before as you can imagine for someone with health anxiety this has now caused me to think I have a brain tumour I thought not much more about after it happened and thought I was ok but last week I had a similar thing just not painful when I was driving my son to swimming I started to feel strange in my head and really foggy and kept zoning out and really struggled to sit through his lesson because I felt like something awful was about to happen , so now since last Tuesday I’m in a completely full blown anxious state and fearing the worst that I have a brain tumor as I have a sore neck and continue to have sharp pains on my head I don’t have headaches but I do feel off balance and really feel like I’m lacking concentration and my memory is shocking and getting stuck on words this is really worrying me I’m in such a state I do have an appointment with my doctor on Friday. I wish so MUCH I could just be normal and be like oh well whatever like when my husband has anything wrong he just doesn’t even think twice about it I wish so much I could feel the same but I just continue to go in a vicious cycle last month was esophageal cancer because I have reflux before that I was convinced it was my heart because my reflux was playing up I literally have had every test possible apart from a brain scan and all are always fine aside from my thyroid and low iron .

85 Replies 85

Community Member

Hi Annie,

im so sorry u have bronchitis now! How terrible! Maybe some honey tea will help? Mullein tea is also good for upper respiratory problems.

i went again to my drs yesterday (yes to both of them) and they both said that a Colonoscopy is not necessary.. that I don’t have the symptoms that they would tell a patient to do one. My dr (who has known me for 10 years) looked at me straight and said I don’t think u have bowel cancer.. she said because I can feel something that means it’s low enough for them to be able to see/feel it. She said u had a NORMAL full blood test last month; and an occult stool test (to look for micro blood) 5 months ago which was negative (normal). People aren’t meant to do that until they are 50 in Australia but I did it at 37! She said you’re not bleeding from the back nor are u anaemic.

To be honest Annie I’m much too scared to do it also.. of the result. I’m stuck in bed again unfortunately, my psych is telling me I need to trust my drs and wants me back on ADepressants again. I don’t know anymore. I really don’t.

Community Member

Hi Ash

I hope you can trust the drs and the psych. Just think if you did have cancer (I DONT believe you do at all) how would staying in bed help? And if you don't then don't waste anymore time in bed! I can't say whether you should or shouldnt take anti d's but I hope with the psych's help and getting out of bed, out of the house you can start to put this behind you.

I'm going offline for a while. Really need to recuperate. But you know there are a heap of people on here with health anxiety - are you checking the other threads and engaging with some of them? x

Community Member

Hi Annie,

hopefully you check this message and all is well with you? Has the flu and bronchitis gone?
I’m still the same unfortunately but I’m making an effort to not stay in bed.. being more social and productive.. hopefully it will change my mindset.

Community Member

Hi Ash

I’ve been ok thanks but currently very anxious again and while like this I’m no help to anyone. Sorry you’re going through it still. Just wondering did you ever start a thread of your own or just answered in an existing one? I think maybe when you start a new thread you might get more comments. Sorry I’m not online as often at the moment so won’t see replies as fast.

Community Member

Hi Annie,

im so sorry to hear you’re going through it again! Anxiety is honestly the worst!
How are you feeling now? Any improvements?

Ive been adding to other forums however no one seems to be responding?

I might try and start my own as my health anxiety is very bad right now too unfortunately. I just liked chatting to you as I didn’t have to re explain everything again..

Community Member

Hi Ash

I understand about being easy talking to each other - would be great to sit down and talk in person but totally understand the privacy issues on a forum like this. However I'm not much help at the moment and I've read so many times people being encouraged to start their own threads - I don't know either in the welcome section, or in anxiety - that way you'd get more people seeing it than will see a post like this on an ongoing thread that they're not involved in. And potentially get others with helpful ideas, or supportive words. Pick the title of your thread well...and tell your story. Jumping in on other threads can be helpful here and there but specially if you're offering help to others I guess.

I'm happy to help when I can (when I'm low myself I'm no use!) but I really think more than one person to chat to is beneficial. Even jump in the 'social' threads and you'll find chat about other things...

I'm not putting you off in any way, trying to broaden your support is all 🙂 Hope this helps.