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Getting help

Community Member
These anxiety symptoms weigh me down everyday and make everything so hard and I need to get some help. If I tell my mum she might be able to support me more but how do I do that I'm so scared. Just thinking about is getting me worked up I have nobody else to talk to about this
3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jackson. It can be nerve racking discussing anxiety, depression and other mental health issues with loved ones. We make it out to be a bigger thing in our head then it is. My suggestions is to just have a cuppa tea or drink with them alone and just have a discussion with them. If you are struggling how to do it maybe you could show them a YouTube video. I suggestion 'the black dog' by the world health organization. Beyond blue also have videos on YouTube as well. It will help your parents have a better understanding which can help them help you. Trust me I was nervous to tell my parents but they didn't even care, they just wanted to be supportive. Your parents will love you and want to support you and you just need to give them a chance. There are also resources on the beyond blue page under the facts.

Hope this helps. You can do it.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


Ms Purple has some great suggestions. I've posted on your other thread for you.


Hi Jackson1994, welcome to the forums and it's great to see you've been getting such wonderful support from our members. 

When seeking support on the forums, we really encourage members to use one thread rather than starting new ones all the time.  It's really difficult for the community to keep up with your story if you have a lot of threads going at once, and you may find yourself having to repeat information if your story is spread across the forum - sometimes our members will be repeating themselves as well if it's an issue you've had previously.  

Help us to support you by keeping to one thread, even if you're returning here after a period of time.  There's a lot of value in seeing how someone's story evolves over time, and when facing a new crisis it's helpful to scroll back and see how you've coped previously.

We're going to close this thread off and keep your first thread open (below):

I need help please