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Feeling stuck

Community Member

Hey there,

so for a little while I have felt like I have been getting increasingly more anxious and I’m not sure if depressed is the word. But I feel lonely and kinda of feel like fading out. I have no motivation any more really. Which is really annoying when it comes to exams. I also had an assessment where I had to present earlier this year and I usually get nervous. But this time I felt like I was going to cry and I could feel my whole body siezing up. I know there’s nothing to be afraid of and I usually just feel a little jittery before. But as soon as I talk. It just takes over. And this has continued to happen for the rest. I want to get help but I’m afraid and I feel like I wouldn’t be able to explain myself properly or wouldn’t want to admit to myself how I’m feeling. Mental illness also runs in the family. So it makes sense that I could have something but I feel stupid to say I do. Hope this all makes sense. 🙂

3 Replies 3


Hey Lilyk,

Welcome to the forums, we're so thankful that you've taken a big step in sharing your thoughts and feelings here with our wonderful community. We're really sorry to hear that you're feeling increasingly anxious and struggling with motivation, but please know that you've come to safe, non-judgemental space to talk things through and our community is here to offer as much support, advice and conversation as you need.

If you feel it may be helpful, you are always welcome to get in touch with Kids Help Line. They are a confidential and anonymous, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged 25 and under. We’d also welcome you to reach out to our Support Service, which is available 24/7 by phone on 1300 22 4636 or on Webchat 3pm-12am AEST on our website: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport.

We hope that you keep checking back in and let us know how you are going when you feel up to it. We're all here for you.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Lilyk,

Welcome to the community here. I see Sophie has offered you some helpful suggestions.

It sounds like yo are looking for help to better understand how you are feeling and reacting. Would you consider going to a Dr for a chat or using the services Sophie has mentioned?

On the Beyond Blue website, they have as section called The Facts under that is an Anxiety and Depression check list. Having a read of that may be a good place to start. Look at the list and write down what is relatable to you.

Can you talk to your parents about how you are feeling?

If you do have a mental health issue, there are a lot of supports and help available.

I found once I was diagnosed, I had a better understanding of why I think and act as I do and have been able to make a few adjustments to help me get through life.

Hope you feel comfortable to share more of your journey here with us, this is a safe place to do so.

Regards from Dools

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi @Lilyk,

Welcome and thanks for reaching out.

It’s great that you recognise the feelings you are feeling and taking the steps to better your mental health. The fact that you wrote your post is essentially admitting your emotions into words. That’s always one of the hardest steps so big congratulations!

If you have a trusting relationship with your parents, a sibling, or even a best friend, talking to them about how you are feeling might alleviate some burden and make you feel slightly better.

However, if you find yourself feeling more anxious and unmotivated, I really recommend seeking professional support as they can teach super helpful coping-techniques.

Just know that you are not alone and that this forum will always be here for you. Hope you to hear any progress if you feel up to it!

Wishing you all the best.