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Exercise and anxiety heart palpitations

Community Member

I had a anxiety attack last night and since then i've been having heart palpitations + shortness of breath. would exercising such as jogging help with this? or should i try to minimalize any movement?

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi, so sorry you have to deal with this. I too have been feeling exactly like this due to anxiety attacks. While exercising does help, releasing 'happy' hormones, I find it quite hard to find the motivation to get up and exercise due to the anxiety so my therapist told me to focus on breathing. Sit yourself in a comfortable environment with little distraction and try to take deep breaths. It helps. But another thing is trying to find the root cause of the reason why you are having anxiety attacks and try to see if there is a light to it all and take baby steps. Seeing a way out does help ease the way you are feeling You are not alone. Hope this helps.