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eryone, Burnt out from 5 months of looking to study/ finding a job

Community Member

Hi everyone,

I'm writing this post because I really need to vent. I'm so frustrated, angry and disappointed.

Since November/December 2024 (last year) I've been looking into studying Certificate II in Animal Care (TAFE) and during the month of December i went crazy sending out my resume and customized cover letters to potential work placement locations in my local area to start studying potentially in January 2025 (two months ago). And even after a positive interaction just having a chat to a Practise Manager at a local vet hospital/clinic I feel I've failed in gaining a spot. He told me to email him in early-mid January to follow-up when he would have a potential opening as the current students would be finishing their placement/study. And so obviously i looked into other study options that could potentially including a work placement. So I investigated the RSPCA who hold a training education course to gain work placement and physical classroom/ online virtual teaching classes. I thought it would be perfect and so I applied for any opening for future groups this year. The March 2025 dates fell through and so they changed it to May 2025 (two months from now). This week I got an email for the study coordinator team informing that applications are open. So I completed the form and read all the information. Big issue - the Smart Skills Australian Government study cost subsidy is currently basically $0 for RSPCA right now. So as I am currently on Centrelink payment - JobSeeker I cant even fork out $3000 to pay for the upfront costs to complete this course. Its perfect and would be fast tracked 10 weeks intensive so full on study dedicating 4 days a week to do work placement days and otherwise studying online and completing assignments etc. I was SO excited and beyond words read to study and do this course but I cant afford this cost and feel so frustrated and disappointed. So that's two strikes on my road to attempting to gain a career working with animals. I'm finding this whole process frustrating, beyond exhausting and I feel nothing is going my way. I am connected to an Disability Employment Services organization and fortnightly appointments with a job coach to meet Centrelink requirements and look for study/work. 

I just feel like screaming honestly and I feel I've lost my direction. I don't know what to do, think or apply for anymore. Does anyone have any advice because I feel so lost right now and burnt out above all. 

I'm mentally exhausted after 5 months.

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Rach28~

I'd like to welcome you back to the Forum and can see how frustrating it is to find a career and not be able to afford it. No wonder you feel burnt out after all that effort.


Firstly I think you have received thoughts about a number of options in your last thread:



Which talks about everything from exemptions to leave to a DSP. None are easy, but what you are doing now is not easy either. Frankly I suspect your Disability Employment Service is going about things the wrong way. To ask what you would like to do is fine, however as you can see this has led to frustration and lack of a job.


Each state has a different set of subsidies and it might be fruitful to get them to list all the jobs and training that do not cost, then you select what seems the least objectionable and have a go at that.


I realise you have difficulties with people due to your anxiety and other conditions and this further limits your options. Still if you find something that you don't mind (rather than like) you may finish it and be in a stronger position to go for something dealing wiht animals


It can be very easy to think one is a failure by not finding a job. You are trying and that is all any human being can do. Getting a job depends so much on other factors your own abilities only play a small part.


Rather than think 'I did not get a job today' think instead "Well I managed to cope with another day on this horrible treadmill' - you have just had a success




Frankly your Dis

Hi Croix. Thanks for your message. I dont feel I just want to go for ANY job. I did that last year and quit on my 2nd day. So I really know that as frustrating this process is that I want to only work with animals. That is my passion. I wont settle for second best. Im hoping my DSP provider can help find me other options. Sucks when organizations dont have enough Smart Skill funding from the Australian Government. It would really help us who want jobs but have SO many barriers that restrict us when searching for jobs. While others have the qualifications or single/multiple previous experience which disadvantages us from equal opportunities. 


Thanks for your advice - im trying to take it one day at a time right now. Its still so hard! So burnt out and so mentally drained beyond words.