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Does your eye twitch too?

Community Member

I'm so sick of this nervous twitch in my eye.

It started after a fairly explosive breakdown at my high stress job which very nearly cost me my job almost 6 months ago.

I've had 8 sessions of CBT and meds, and I still can't get rid of this twitch in my eye. Every time it twitches it reminds me of the explosive outburst and what a mess I'm in - i.e workplace anxiety running rampant - catastrophising that I'll be walked off-site tomorrow etc etc....

Not to mention how tiring it is feeling anxious all day. This makes me grumpy, my productivity drops, then I get start catastrophising again and the cycle continues.

Add to that the now compulsory regular meetings with the boss only help to make it worse as I convince myself I am being "performance managed" out the door.

I'm looking forward to catching up with my councilor again when she gets back from holidays.

Has anyone else managed to rid themselves of a eye twitch? It is a very annoying and constant reminder that my mind isn't working properly.

3 Replies 3

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi flappybird,

I would think that the nervous eye twitch must be so frustrating for you...it sounds like things, especially at work, have been very stressful and overwhelming for you. Things sound rough...the pressure you’re under at work is intense.

The eye twitch clearly triggers a huge range of emotions. That must be so distressing...

I’m sure you’ll have a lot to catch up on with your counsellor when she returns from her holiday. She sounds like a wonderful support person....

I did once have an eye twitch but mine was due to physical health reasons (deficient nutrients in my case) so it was for a different reason to you.

I know you have meds so you must have been seeing a doctor but I wonder if you’ve had a full body check-up in case there’s any other underlying physical reason for the eye twitch (in addition to your work stress and anxiety). I’m not suggesting that’s necessarily the case but I figure it wouldn’t hurt to check...it’s just a gentle suggestion so I’m not sure if you’ll find this helpful or not...

When it’s a good time for you and if you feel comfortable doing so, it would be lovely to hear from you again.

Kind and warm thoughts,


Community Member

Hi Flappybird.

Yes, I've had the eye twitch problem. For me, it seems to come out of nowhere (but is also probably triggered by stress/high anxiety levels), lasts on and off for days or weeks and then just disappears again...for months or years. It drives me nuts so I can empathise with you. Be assured, though, it WILL go away!

Best of luck.


Community Member

Muscle twitches, including muscles controlling eye movements are common in anxiety due to a few reasons. One is that stress and anxiety can increase magnesium excretion, which is an electrolyte mineral that helps muscles relax. Low magnesium can contribute to muscle cramps and twitching. It's not unusual for eye twitching to go along with stress. Some people are also just more prone to it than others.

Anxiety can be linked to a lot of phtsical symptoms. I've had episodes if eye twitching for days, weeks, it came and went.

I am getting debilitating dizziness which I think is related to my anxiety and adrenals, also severe fatigue where all I do is go to work then lie in bed. Headache, face tingling, neck pain, all sorts. If I just had the eye twitch back instead of all this, it'd be a miracle. But I have focused and stressed over minor physical sensations plenty of times because I have ocd. Just remember that our bodies aren't perfect, we can't feel perfect, and anxiety makes you more aware of sensations.