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Anxiety and anger with kids

Community Member
I am feeling really defeated at the moment. I have 4 kids between 7 and 1. I have had some family help over the past few weeks and they know I have been struggling. After work I come home and my peaceful house turns to chaos. Kids yelling and fighting for attention. When I’m home during the day it’s the same. I had a really bad day the other week and I ended up in tears. My 7 year old said to me the other day, even though you cry sometimes I still love you. I do get angry with the kids sometimes just little things trigger me. But it’s the build up of days and days of the same arguments and struggles and battles. I didn’t think much of my child’s comment until yesterday my parent said that they want to talk to my husband and me because they can see some serious problems in the house and we are struggling as parents. I can’t even look my parents in the eyes now. I have felt like a failure as a parent when we have a bad day but having it pointed out has broken me. I know I have to get some help somehow but I don’t know when to start. After I had my last child I was supposed to see the nurse as I was borderline post natal but I felt like i couldn’t go back to get help. I feel ashamed when I get angry and snap at my kids. I have so much to do and need to work to help out financially all the stresses of life are getting too much. I feel my anxiety is triggering my anger and sometimes I see red and have to remove myself. I have 2 challenging children who argue from the minute they wake up in the morning. I don’t know where to start. I need to make my situation better but don’t know how.
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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello mum.with.four, you sound so exhausted, and it's no wonder. Being a mum to four young children is a challenge at the best of times, let alone when there are arguments and fights happening around the clock. It really does sound from your post as if you don't have a lot of support, or at least you don't feel like you do.

You mention your husband, but only in passing when you mentioned that your parents are worried. Perhaps they are concerned that you aren't getting enough support either? This conversation could be a good step towards getting everything on the table and coming up with some plans for getting through the next little bit with everyone helping. They say it takes a village to raise a child, it certainly shouldn't be all on your shoulders.

From your post it seems like you feel over-burdened, that you have the responsibility of looking after four children, and you need to be working, and worrying about finances...and on top of all that juggling of responsibilities, you feel ashamed that your emotions sometimes get the better of you and you take time out to cool down. You are doing your best in what sounds like a very challenging situation.

When life seems like an overwhelmning, complicated mess, sometimes the best place to start is with yourself and acknowledging that things need to change and you need help. You've already taken that step now.

The other thing that can help when feeling overwhelmed with anxiety is to reduce the size of the problem to try and get your head around it. For example, think about just this morning. What would you need to happen to get through to lunchtime feeling like you've coped? What would a good morning look like? I hope you will come back and post again.