
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Wen1976 work and social anxiety
  • replies: 4

Hi ... for the past few years I've been living the anxiety/depression roller coaster and I'm so tired of this ride. It all started from experiences of emotional/physical trauma as a child and then experiencing emotional/physical trauma again as an ad... View more

Hi ... for the past few years I've been living the anxiety/depression roller coaster and I'm so tired of this ride. It all started from experiences of emotional/physical trauma as a child and then experiencing emotional/physical trauma again as an adult and not being able to talk about it. I feel like I cannot cope with the everyday life experiences in my professional, social and personal life. I'm either coping personally at home, socially or at work. Trying to cope with all of these is just too much to deal with. i constantly feel like I'm failing or disappointing the people i care about and work with. I feel guilty about wanting seek help for the way I feel. I wish it could be fixed with a pill but its just not going away. I'm going to counseling about this but sometimes it feels like I'm never going to be me again. How does other people manage? Just want to be how i used to be.... a strong, dependable me. Wen

Tash_Lea Anyone else with an axiety disorder tried to quit smoking?
  • replies: 5

As a long time GAD & OCD struggler, smoking has always been something of a comfort to me. Anything to calm the nerves right? I just wish I had chosen a different coping mechinism all those years ago. Not only are cigarettes terribly unhealthy but the... View more

As a long time GAD & OCD struggler, smoking has always been something of a comfort to me. Anything to calm the nerves right? I just wish I had chosen a different coping mechinism all those years ago. Not only are cigarettes terribly unhealthy but the little buggers are sending me broke. I've seen my GP and have some patches and whatnot. Just seeing if anyone out there who struggles with aniexty has successfully given up the smokes. Any tips/advice? Any advice(no matter how strange) that helped in giving up cigarettes for good without exasperating your aniexty completely would be appreciated. Cheers.

alma17 Social anxiety makes it so difficult for me to connect with people
  • replies: 6

Due to a lot of trauma, I've been mostly secluded for the past 2 years or so. Apart from my partner, and sometimes his family, I don't meet with people. I basically have one friend in this world - my partner. There is a part of me that would like to ... View more

Due to a lot of trauma, I've been mostly secluded for the past 2 years or so. Apart from my partner, and sometimes his family, I don't meet with people. I basically have one friend in this world - my partner. There is a part of me that would like to form meaningful relationships with more people, however, I feel very guarded, scared and generally distrustful of most people. I've had some recent trauma and a very recent disconnection with a toxic family, and these experiences honestly made me disillusioned about people in general. I also just feel different to people; different in my experiences and different in terms of values. I can't say everyone is bad, but I often haven't had very good interactions with people. Due to my social anxiety stemming from trauma, a lot of people have judged me, and think me to be weird for acting anxiously like I do. They don't understand why I am the way I am and so react negatively to me, which leaves me feeling hurt a lot, although, I don't always admit it to myself. I have an accumulation of a lot of hurt from others. If I were able to act more calmly, in order to not make others react, I guess I would, but it's hard for me at this stage. I feel like barely anyone likes me or sees me. Like I am not wanted in this world. I suppose I would like to meet people who could understand me, but it seems difficult at this point.

notwonderwoman What sort of therapy will I ask for?
  • replies: 5

I have been on a rollercoaster ride with depression and anxiety for the past few years, and when I look at it honestly I've had concerns with anxiety and social phobia for most of my life. I have always been one for self medicating, tried all the nat... View more

I have been on a rollercoaster ride with depression and anxiety for the past few years, and when I look at it honestly I've had concerns with anxiety and social phobia for most of my life. I have always been one for self medicating, tried all the natural remedies, started drinking a glass or two of wine to help sleep or relax more. Anyway things seem to be coming to a head these past 12 months for me, I am quite well respected in our team, however there are two bullies in my workplace who yell at me in front of my colleagues and I just go to pieces and cannot defend myself, I am going through menopause and empty nesting, I left a job that I was happy in and comfortable in for a promotion and it has been a horrendous experience, now the organisation is trying to force me and three of my colleagues to change to a temporary contract, after we have just bought 3 acres to set up our dream of self sufficiency, I have elderly parents to care for, kids in uni to support, trying to complete my masters now so I can secure a job and compete with the younger set out there. I feel guilty that these things are causing me anxiety, as I have healthy family, strong marriage and people say I can get another job so why does the change bother me. I have just been diagnosed with GAD and adjustment disorder and have started on medication about three weeks ago, I noticed a change in that I can sleep, and kind of felt more ambivalent and stopped over thinking things, but today had a panic attack after being yelled at by one of the two bullies. I was surprised that this happened but kind of relieved that the medication didn't numb me. The bullies just tell me I am too sensitive. A plus is one is leaving next week because she acknowledged she wasn't up to the job. No way will I share with them my condition, but I have told another two members of my team and they are great support. Any way, just asking what is the best therapy? It looks like just meds won't cut it, the psychologist I saw from work was very nice and she listened and was supportive and just told me "don't think about work at home" and "make sure you do something nice". I'm seeing my GP Friday who has offered to put me on a mental health plan, I feel I need some therapy to go with the meds, as today I feel those horrible thoughts and feelings coming back at me. Tonight I just feel like I want a few glasses of wine or something so I just get bombed and can just hide.

bindi-QLD ``Fixing'' (others) as coping mechanism for Anxiety..
  • replies: 17

Hey everyone, hope your day is off to a good start. Thanks to anyone to can spare a moment to read my post. I've been dealing with a pretty life-long problem these past 6 months, and I'm wondering of anyone else out there relates? I think my personal... View more

Hey everyone, hope your day is off to a good start. Thanks to anyone to can spare a moment to read my post. I've been dealing with a pretty life-long problem these past 6 months, and I'm wondering of anyone else out there relates? I think my personality type, in a nutshell, is a `fixer'; the kind of person who deals with feelings of anxiety by `fixing' situations, things, people..... I've been heavily rewarded for it in my career and at times in my family life, so I've gone along all these decades oblivious to the down side, and not very cautious about it. And I'm good at fixing...had a career in IT tech support, been heavily involved in rescuing wildlife and pets for many years. I don't walk away from people or partners with problems, I make them my personal love and projects. But I've (finally?) come recognize there is pretty major down side to it; it impacts personal relationships in a negative way- it kind of changes a relationship that should be based on mutuality, into a `carer/care-taker' type dynamic, if that makes sense? And jeez that's hurt me over the years, I've picked partners ranging from drug addicts to alcoholics, and worse. In the work place, it can lead to exploitation and overwork where I just burn out. And in my animal rescue work, as proud as I am of all the lives I've saved, it can lead to taking too much on and taking things to too much to heart....there's a lot of grief in that. I'm uncomfortable with letting go of fixing completely, because I like the results of what I do in life....I see the good in it, a happy smile, a relief from pain. I don't think I can fully let go of who I am....but I am interested in how others find their boundaries with `fixing'? Like is it a matter of being mindful of when you're doing it, and do it within reason? (like picking your abttles...?) Is it about not blaming yourself when it doesn't work out? Or is it just better to deal with anxious feelings by writing them down, talking about them, and letting go of fixing altogether? Any thoughts or feedback from anyone? I've been struggling with this. My mental health professional says he's proud of how far I've come in 6 months, but I'd really like to connect with other people going through this, if possible? Letting go is in no way easy, I still feel confused... Any thanks to anyone who can relate, and can offer any thoughts? Bindi

roogirl Brain/flu fog
  • replies: 11

Hi everyone, I am suffering from the dreaded brain/flu fog after contracting a flu like virus 5 weeks ago. Seems I have had a reaction to my super flu shot that us oldies are getting. The fog comes and goes, but it feeds into my anxiety which is most... View more

Hi everyone, I am suffering from the dreaded brain/flu fog after contracting a flu like virus 5 weeks ago. Seems I have had a reaction to my super flu shot that us oldies are getting. The fog comes and goes, but it feeds into my anxiety which is mostly concerning my health. I have battled with the dreaded anxiety for about 4 years now and see a clinical psychologist who happens to be on holidays at the moment. My biggest fear is that the rest of my life will be spent in this fog and it will never leave. I know the feelings are probably unreasonable and I try and talk myself around with positive talking to my brain, but then the doubts sneak back in. Anxiety is such an insidious creature. Unfortunately for me, this is how my anxiety originally began after a misdiagnosis and treatment and I was sick for quite a few months. My GP is supportive, but I don't think she really understands, says I'm panicky, which I am. I have a referral for CT scan if this doesn't clear up in the next week. Yikes!!! Any help or suggestions to ease my anxiety would be most gratefully accepted.

Lonewog89 Neighbor Issues
  • replies: 8

Hi Everyone I have a problem with my next door neighbor and I don’t know how to handle it. Looking for some advice as I suffer bad with anxiety. The problem is he burns off waste and now he is doing it daily. I stuff chronic migraines and smoke is on... View more

Hi Everyone I have a problem with my next door neighbor and I don’t know how to handle it. Looking for some advice as I suffer bad with anxiety. The problem is he burns off waste and now he is doing it daily. I stuff chronic migraines and smoke is one of my worst triggers. All the smoke blows into our house. Should I approach him in person?What should I say? My anxiety isn’t happy about this option! or Should I write a note and pop it into his mail box? Kidda dicky but much better on my anxiety. Probaly trivial to most people but every night I’m sick with a migraine. I can’t take much more but I’m freaking out to much to deal with it. Anyways thanks for reading Chris.

milo75 thinking what im suffering from
  • replies: 4

Hi all, Im 42 yo male, in good health, gym weights have taken loads of training supplements over the years, non smoker, do drink once 2-4 months fairly heavy. Have seen active service in the army in Bosnia 95 and East Timor, 1999/2000. Been prison of... View more

Hi all, Im 42 yo male, in good health, gym weights have taken loads of training supplements over the years, non smoker, do drink once 2-4 months fairly heavy. Have seen active service in the army in Bosnia 95 and East Timor, 1999/2000. Been prison officer last 8 years, never to my knowledge but maybe was unaware any mental health issues. About 4 months ago, I was quite tired, lethargic, had some things playing on my mind, I was on my bed trying to have a nap one mid morning, upon waking up I felt like something was wrong, got up went to the kitchen and felt like I was going to faint or die, wife drove me to hospital, all was ok, had all the tests, all good, for 2 weeks after than I was extremely anxious and feeling like utter crap mentally, still went to work and could hardly bear being then, put on a brave face. I was in the city and was that anxious I had to go into a shop, sit for 10 minutes to calm my self down, heart was racing Had an incident at work and my anxiousness and adrenalin went through the roof as that someone asked if i was alright, normally im first in and enjoy hands on scenarios eventually Things blew over and got myself back on track with some meditation... However last week, I had a couple run ins with staff at work, which really wernt that big of a deal, but for 3-5 days afterwards it really played on my mind, whereas I think about it at night in bed and stew over it, and have noticed alittle more anxious at work

Anxious_traveller Physical syptoms of anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, I have been lurking around these forums for the last few weeks and have decided to finally post. I'm 30 years old and had 1 period of intense anxiety around 5 years ago which dibilitating for a few months, then I tried hard to carry on l... View more

Hi everyone, I have been lurking around these forums for the last few weeks and have decided to finally post. I'm 30 years old and had 1 period of intense anxiety around 5 years ago which dibilitating for a few months, then I tried hard to carry on life/studies as usual. I was still not 100% and it took quite some time to get myself back to feeling relatively normal. I felt like someone had stolen my personality and that I wasn't truly happy anymore. The dr gave me some medication, which I stopped after 2 weeks as I felt it didn't agree with me. They were anti-depressants anyway, and I felt what I had was a bad case of anxiety, so I was not confident that it would do much for me anyway. I did get back to my normal self though, however I always feared that I would one day feel like I did before. Then around 8 weeks ago I had some vision problems along with some pain/cramps. The dr started saying that I should see a neurologist incase it was MS. This sent me into a spiriling anxiety mess. I booked a consultation with a neurologist, who said that he did not feel my syptoms were that of MS and said that in his opinion he did not feel an MRI was needed. I was so releaved just from hearing him say that and I felt like I was skipping coming out of his office. However the following day my symptoms still persisted (although the vision problem resolved itself) and within a few weeks my symptom list had increased. I was now experiencing foot tingling/foot burning and numb patches on my toes and thighs. This made me worried even more! I've been back to the dr's several times and have had lots of blood tests, all of which have come back clear. The dr was reluctant to refer me to another neurologist as they said the last one felt I was ok. But I explained that the symptoms have increased a lot since then and I'm experiencing daily symptoms mainly in my left foot and leg. I also get a clicking noise in my neck/ear area when I run, it clicks every step I take. I've given up on the running because of this and because I'm pretty sure my foot symptoms are worse afterwards. I want to believe it's just anxiety. But can anxiety symptoms persist in just one area? For example burning, vibrating and numb foot? Have any of you experienced this? Ive googled far too much, which I know has done me no good as google loves to say it's MS or ALS/MND where any tingling or numbness is entered into that search bar! I would love to hear if anyone has had similar experiences to this

PerthFox Coping with Panic disorder
  • replies: 2

Hi, I have come to this forum as I am struggling with panic disorder and one of the key things that helps me through is reading about people in the same situation, I hope this helps at least one other person as I feel googling what’s happening to you... View more

Hi, I have come to this forum as I am struggling with panic disorder and one of the key things that helps me through is reading about people in the same situation, I hope this helps at least one other person as I feel googling what’s happening to you is a point of desperation. I am 26, vegan and a competitive power lifter around 2 months ago I was driving and suddenly had to pull over in thinking I was having a heart attack I was pacing on the side of the road fighting the need to pass out as hard as I could in fear I would die, I was taken in an ambulance to be told I had a ‘panic attack’ it took me weeks of research to believe it. this hit me out of nowhere I live a good life and have an amazing partner but now any heartburn, dizziness shortness of breath no matter how subtle triggers this intense feeling I’m about to die, sweating palms heart going crazy and a feeling of being outside myself (empty headed feeling) and a massive struggle to pay attention to anything. Last night after a mini attack I finally sat and admitted to myself I’m not okay, I’ve just walked out of a mental health doctors to start a mental health plan, this finally today has become real to me and I can start recovering I’m so against using medication as I’ve previously become emotionally numb and with owning a business it affected me heavy. i hope I can re train myself through therapy and would love to hear how some of you got around this disorder