
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

oleacl Not feeling in my body
  • replies: 3

Hi, I have always struggled with depersonlisation to a degree but this last week has been crazy! I feel trapped in a body that's not mine and like i want to run away which of course i cant because then i would be running away from myself. When i can ... View more

Hi, I have always struggled with depersonlisation to a degree but this last week has been crazy! I feel trapped in a body that's not mine and like i want to run away which of course i cant because then i would be running away from myself. When i can take my mind off it i'm ok but these past few days i have thought about the feeling 24/7 which makes me wonder if i'm losing my mind. Has anybody else had a similar experience ? I would love some reassurance that this gets better.

Emetophobic Emetophobia
  • replies: 1

Hi I'm just looking to find help with my emetophobia. I've always had it but it has become extremely bad since having children. My son is and my daughter is 4 and is attending preschool. I'm so scared she brings home stomach bug. They have been I'll ... View more

Hi I'm just looking to find help with my emetophobia. I've always had it but it has become extremely bad since having children. My son is and my daughter is 4 and is attending preschool. I'm so scared she brings home stomach bug. They have been I'll before and I landed up in hospital for dehydration as I wouldn't eat or drink anything as I was afraid that I would get the bug and have nothing to vomit. I HATE going to shops as I'm scared of germs and I'm also very careful about what I eat. I will not eat takeaways or food that was not prepared by myself. Anyone here with the same issue?

Scotty74 Intrusive thoughts
  • replies: 1

Hi my question is can old intrusive thought come back on love one was on someone else for years but this one is stabbing thought the anxiety is real bad got the thought like Brain Locked anybody got any ideas to help thanks

Hi my question is can old intrusive thought come back on love one was on someone else for years but this one is stabbing thought the anxiety is real bad got the thought like Brain Locked anybody got any ideas to help thanks

rockdaisy Looking for effective treatment
  • replies: 6

I have struggled with anxiety for around 20 years. I sometimes have the idea " ignore it and it will go away" when it gets too hard but as someone else said - it is with us for life and I have to learn to manage the condition. I am sick of trying dif... View more

I have struggled with anxiety for around 20 years. I sometimes have the idea " ignore it and it will go away" when it gets too hard but as someone else said - it is with us for life and I have to learn to manage the condition. I am sick of trying different anti-depressants that seem to be only a band aid unless you do counselling as well but I am finding it very difficult to do more than a couple of sessions and give up. I have never been diagnosed with anything specifically although I have been to dr nearly a dozen times about my condition. The symptoms such as lack of sleep, exhaustion and emotional eating/ drinking are making it hard for me to live a good life. I don't have many people to talk to about this. My last anxiety attack was yesterday.

Pizzarules Anxiety after drinking? Help
  • replies: 4

The day after drinking and I’m feeling very anxious. No matter how much mg friends re assure me I have nothing to be embarrassed about or worried about I still have a horrible feeling I’ve made a fool of myself or said stupid things when drunk. Havin... View more

The day after drinking and I’m feeling very anxious. No matter how much mg friends re assure me I have nothing to be embarrassed about or worried about I still have a horrible feeling I’ve made a fool of myself or said stupid things when drunk. Having anxiety over it pretty hard core at the moment.

Meg_J Tired
  • replies: 2

Does it get better I’m so flat have no motivation to exercise I am over weight as I eat when I am anxious or depressed I have been on this roller coaster for about 20 years on different medications throughout this ride and I must say that I’m just ab... View more

Does it get better I’m so flat have no motivation to exercise I am over weight as I eat when I am anxious or depressed I have been on this roller coaster for about 20 years on different medications throughout this ride and I must say that I’m just about done how do I find energy and stop over eating I just want to feel happy and enjoy things

Fred22 Paralysed by fear
  • replies: 9

Hi I am starting a new job tomorrow and am terrified I will fail at it or just stuff things up - what can I do?

Hi I am starting a new job tomorrow and am terrified I will fail at it or just stuff things up - what can I do?

JJ_Bell Hello and help with Health Anxiety
  • replies: 4

Hello out there, I have come here because for the last 6 months I have been suffering from the worst anxiety I have ever had in my life. I have previously been diagnosed with PTSD after a traumatic incident 5 years ago. After seeing a psychologist I ... View more

Hello out there, I have come here because for the last 6 months I have been suffering from the worst anxiety I have ever had in my life. I have previously been diagnosed with PTSD after a traumatic incident 5 years ago. After seeing a psychologist I was able to recover from this, and felt much better for about 2 years. But since December, I have struggled with health anxiety. It all started when I become unwell with a virus that made me dizzy. The Dr ordered an MRI of my brain to confirm it was nothing more serious and that came back clear. However, I worked myself up so much, I convinced myself I had MS. I have seen a neurologist who told me, I do not have MS and my brain is healthy. Even after hearing this, I still worry there is something seriously wrong with me. I am getting pins and needles and cold flashes. My heart feels like it's racing. My doctor has told me it's my anxiety, but I can't help worrying I am dying. I have recently been on holidays and had none of the symptoms I listed above, so I guess it is anxiety, but now I'm worried why I can't cope with my everyday life. I am seeing a psychologist, which helps for a time, but I feel like I would need to see her everyday just to cope. I do not want to go on medication as my husband and I are trying for a baby, which also is not working... Has anyone else felt like this? Other than seeing a psychologist, what can I do? I don't want to feel like this anymore. Thanks

LadyCath Anxiety turnsto Anger then to depression in a heartbeat ... work trigger
  • replies: 1

Hi all, So ever since I had an encounter with my manager above me I have been in the worst funk. I know he is a trigger for my anxiety but it is getting worse. Firstly I need to work out how to keep myself angry not become depressed and hopeless. He ... View more

Hi all, So ever since I had an encounter with my manager above me I have been in the worst funk. I know he is a trigger for my anxiety but it is getting worse. Firstly I need to work out how to keep myself angry not become depressed and hopeless. He will say something or want me to change something which is unrealistic or he will treat me like i am an idiot which he does to many of us at work in various ways and I will feel angry for like 30 seconds at most and all of a sudden I am fighting off a flood of tears and often almost refuse to talk to my staff below me or customers for the rest of the day if not longer. The other store managers are wonderful and tell me to not take his comments or attacks on my store personally and to just say "yes sir" until he leaves and to also stand my ground however that is proving much more difficult. I would kill to be able to remain angry for a while rather than shut down. At least until the end of the work day. A bit of history. I have a history of low self esteem and little faith in myself. I take things very personally as I am ocd and a perfectionist. I am proud of my store and think we have done well but he walks in and tells me that all sorts of things are wrong then leaves. He is a very bubbly, talkative, frantic little man who is constantly stressing, constantly moving and doing and is the polar opposite of me. I try to be calm and cool and collected and try to always see the silver lining. He doesn't have a silver lining. Everything to him is a stress and a disaster. Being new to the company he treats me as if i am new to working in general which i take offence to. I've been in retail 15+ years. He has no trust in me and is constantly reminding me of things before even checking if i've done them or not making me feel like he has no faith in me at all. None. As much as the other store managers tell me he does it to them it grinds badly on me. He is very good at his job however... and rather than rock the boat and get him in trouble I'd rather find a way to work with our clashing personalities. I need coping mechanisms. The other day I took my wallet and left my work and personal phone on my desk. I strolled up the road to the vending machine at the local train station to get a can of cola and I stopped ... wondering what would happen if i just got on a train and went away. Leaving mobiles, boyfriend, house, work. Just walk. The idea was there. I am concerned that although I have never done so that I will. Sorry, I talk too much and have few outlets for it. Any advice on how to stop me curling up in a ball at work every time my manager speaks?

PhoenixEmoria Health anxiety
  • replies: 4

Hey, So my anxiety manifests itself as health anxiety; I'm constantly worries whether my symptoms are a sign of something major, like cancer. Currently my fear is ovarian cancer. I'm obviously not looking for medical advice, but more anxiety advice -... View more

Hey, So my anxiety manifests itself as health anxiety; I'm constantly worries whether my symptoms are a sign of something major, like cancer. Currently my fear is ovarian cancer. I'm obviously not looking for medical advice, but more anxiety advice - I have pain in both sides where my ovaries probably are so I should go, but I'm terrified 1. Of the doctor seeing me that way because it's actually terrifying if I need some kind of gynecological thing done, especially due to my already low self-esteem, 2. Of going to the doctors (last time I went he could take my blood pressure coz it was so high from my nerves and anxiety) and 3. If it does turn out to be that. I'm actually so terrified that I'm going to end up sick, but also of going to get checked. It's a horrible cycle and I don't know what to do! I'm more writing this because if calms my anxiety to express it, but also if any one has any tips or ideas on how to continue? Thank you x