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Derealisation for the past two months

Community Member

Ever since I got back from a great trip, I've been more anxious about a lot of things. I'm definitely in my better days now from the past two months, but I'm still living with derealisation -- where I'm constantly spaced out, feel like I'm on autopilot and not in control of anything I say or do, and there's a thought/question rooted within me that could all of this (life, my life) actually be real?

A week and a bit ago I started experiencing depersonalisaion, where I would look in the mirror or at photos of myself and not even recognise myself and freak out because I don't know who I am.

As I said, I am living in my better and happier days, but there's definitely still the constant derealisation.

Is there any way to stop this, or at least make it better / ways to feel more present?

Thank you.

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Amelie,

I think we've met before once on the forums and you were struggling with the same thing, but it sounded then like you were in a fair bit of distress.

It is nice to hear again from you and I am glad to hear that you are living better and happier days.

I think you mentioned last time that you write and you like journalling. Since I'm a writer as well, I do notice that I can get a bit lost in my writing. I suppose that's because all that is happening is I am thinking, and then I put those thoughts into words on paper or on a screen. It's quite an internal process.

Do you have any grounding techniques you use? For example, I sometimes go outside and walk barefoot and sometimes I just really focus on one thing like the sound of a voice in a cafe (yeah, I'm an eavesdropper!).
