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Dear Anxiety

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

At times I tell my anxiety to stop, go away, leave me alone. I thought it might be good to put it into a post. Feel free to write your own letter. 


Dear anxiety,

I've has enough of you & you need to leave. I am a strong, confident, positive person & you come in & try to take it away. You always pounce when I'm a little vulnerable & you just keep pick, pick, picking at me until my thoughts go round in circles.  Well, you won't win. I know your game & I'm not playing.

Go back into your little hole, you won't get the better of me 


36 Replies 36

Community Member

Thank you CMF,


What a great post and idea.


Dear depression,


I've known you longer than most people in my life. You've seen my ups and downs. You've seen me grow and mature. You've taken away so much and for that I hate you. But you've also given me so much and for that I accept you. You taught me patience. You taught me hope. And you continue to teach me the value of happiness and living in the moment. I hope one day we can say goodbye to each other. And part as old friends. 



Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Bob,

I love your letter & how you've acknowledged what depression  has both taken from & given to you. 

I also hope you partner as old friends one say.


Community Champion
Community Champion

I love this!


Dear Anxiety (or Pedro, as i like to call you)


Why can't you just stsy in your box and leave me alone? 


Some days you are not as loud, and others i struggle to get past your noise.


But.. im learning to live with you. You have taught me resilience, and that i can cope with situations even if you are in the background banging your drum.


The lid won't come off your box one day, and i hope this day is soon.



Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jayne,

I hope writing here helps you seal that box on Pedro.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear Anxiety,

So you paid be a visit today. I took a day off work to have some time to myself & you decided to remind me of when I wasn't working & the stress I felt at the uncertainty of my life. You sat on my shoulder today, making me feel really down & guilty for taking a day to myself. Well you know what, I work hard & I deserve time to myself, to go shopping on my own, to not be rushing from school drop off to work to school pick up. I am allowed to have pleasures in life & not be taken back to difficult times. I am allowed to be happy,  so go away. You will not take this from me.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear Anxiety,

You know I was triggered yesterday so here you are. You've come to put doubt in my mind, go over & over things in my mind. You're draining me. You've done this before, many times & I've overcome it.

You know I'm tired & drained, it's cold & rainy & you want to make me miserable.

I'm going to flick you off my shoulder & watch you sulk away cos you're not welcome here.

I deserve better.


Community Member

Thanks CMF for sharing these. They are great. Hope they are helping you too. 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear Anxiety, 

How are you? I'm well but I know you're here to mess with me again. Just wanted to let you know that I'm choosing to be mindful & present.  I'm choosing positive thoughts over the ones you want me to have. I'm choosing to look things to be grateful for over things to worry about. 

Thanks for the visit,  but it's time for you to leave.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear Anxiety,

Get lost. 
