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Constantly changing my mind

Community Member
For as long as I can remember I've always changed my mind. Mainly it is about what I'm doing with my life. I've changed my mind about what I'm studying at uni and have never finished a full degree. I've wanted to go live and work overseas even but changed my mind. I have been studying nursing for the past 6 months because I wanted to be a nurse but now since I'm not doing so well I've decided to go back and finish social work. People in my life have always said I change my mind and for some reason it annoys them. If I didn't change my kind so much I would have achieved my goals years ago. I have had bad anxiety and depression before so maybe it's coming back again? When things do get hard I tend to give up. I deal with the stress which then makes me depressed. I was so excited about studying nursing and I could see myself being one and now that excitement has gone. I am looking forward to finishing social work off as I only have 18 months left. Why am I like this? 😞
1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Nootnoot, welcome

Bare in mind I'm not a medical professional.

Re: . "People in my life have always said I change my mind and for some reason it annoys them."

It annoys them fir two reasons - they care for you that you'll end up with a stable employ and your actions dont fit within "normal" behaviour.

I'm 61yo and retired. I've had 90 jobs in 15 professions. I've owned 80 cars. This was due to a condition I never knew I had- mania! Often I would be ridiculed but my mind was really active and indecisive.

People can be in a similar state and not have any illness though. This is why diagnosis is important and meds and therapy makes a huge difference to your thinking and slows rapid thoughts.


Topic: when emotions take over logic- beyondblue

Topic: the balance of your life- beyondblue

Topic: an over active mind- beyondblue

Regards Tony WK