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Constant light-headed feeling

Community Member

Hi Everybody, it is good to be here with people who understand what anxiety is like. Mine has gradually been getting worse. I have been seeing a psychologist, which gave me some useful things to do, but it still kept on getting worse.

I have been fighting medication as I wanted to try other avenues first, but finally decided to try one. The side effects from that one were terrible and after 1 week I had to stop. Since going off it I have been very dizzy and I haven't been able to drive. I would get light-headedness quite often, but now it is worse.

The doctor has given me a totally different medication to try, so I am hoping that will help, as not being able to drive has affected a lot of things, and it is especially hard when my kids have all that busy end of year stuff to do. My husband has helped a lot, but he works strange shift hours, so can't help all the time. I am nervous about trying the new one and hoping it doesn't have horrible side effects for me again.


2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Pixie11

Welcome to the forums and good you for having the courage to post too!

I understand that light headed feeling as I used to have it as well and it is an awful feeling to have Pixie. I also used be scared of meds.....until I was about to lose my house....my dog....and my personal life. I wasted 13 years of my life refusing meds until I eventually accepted the prescription. The meds gave me my life back Pixie 🙂

You mentioned not being able to drive.....Is that due to having anxiety attacks in traffic? (which I used to have for a long time) Does your anxiety interfere with you day to day well being? If your anxiety does then the meds are a really good idea.

You are proactive with your health by seeking the help you have 🙂

Any questions are always welcome Pixie! The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post!

Our meds are no different to medication that is prescribed for any physical health condition...Anxiety is partially chemically based thus making it a physical health issue too! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by giving the meds a go:-)

you have a great attitude Pixie

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Thanks for the reply. Yes I started getting bad anxiety in traffic, now any driving at all, so it definitely affects my day to day life. I also get headaches a lot.

Thanks for the encouragement about medication. After the first one mademe feel worse I got really upset, but trying to stay positive that this next one I try will help.