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Chest pains

Community Member

9 months ago I had my first panic attack. It started with a sharp pain in the middle of my chest. I went to the doctors and they said it's anxiety. 2 months later I went back as I was still getting pains and dull aches in my chest. They done blood tests and I had an ECG. They are came back normal and the doctor still said it's just anxiety. Since then I keep going back to the doctors as I still get pains. They still say it's anxiety. I feel like they just don't care and what if it's not anxiety??the pains come and go and seem to go when I am busy and not thinking about them. Does anyone else get chest pains nearly on a daily basis? Please help.

10 Replies 10

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Bella,

Chest pain often goes with the anxiety territory. It often mimics heart condition symptoms. Very scary indeed.This is why many of us end up rushing to the nearest hospital, only to be told that there is nothing wrong...it's only anxiety ! I did this a couple of times myself. And yes, the more you worry about it, the more pronounced it gets.

If you are concerned and haven't had this done, you could ask your GP to do an ECG test. It can be done at the surgery.

There are coping strategies that can help with anxiety. I suggest you research mindfulness, relaxed breathing, relaxed body scan. You could also download the Smiling Mind app.

As you have noticed, distraction also works.

Kindest thoughts.

Community Member

An ECG at rest is not enough to rule out a heart condition, (the paramedics told me that).If you are really worried either get your gp to refer you to a cardiologist or go to the emergency centre at your local public hospital They take chest pain very seriously they will investigate it

They will order a stress test, if that is ok there is about a 98% chance your ticker is ok.

If the pain increases under the stress of exercise even if the ECG looks ok they might - depending on your age and other risk factors order a myocardial profusion scan (I had one even though my stress ECG looked fine, but then I am late forties and a smoker) which is a more powerful but more invasive diagnostic procedure

Getting a pass mark on your heart will at least remove one source of anxiety You are obviously worried about it so get it checked out properly.

Community Member

Thank you for your advice.

Ill give that a go and see if that helps.It's just so scary when it happens.

Thank you.

I think its time to go back to the doctor so I can investigate this further as its really scaring me.

I just hate being told that my heart is ok but keep getting these small aches and pains. I just want it to stop.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Bella

If you are certain it is not anxiety, and are wondering what else to check, these ailments cause similar pain

  • Pulmonary Embolism - blood clot in the lung
  • Pleurisy - inflammation of the tissue that surrounds the lungs
  • Gall stones - calcium buildup in the gall bladder (referred pain)
  • GORD - Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease (i.e. heartburn)
  • Costochondritis - inflammation of the muscles between the ribs
  • Misalignment of the spinal vertebrae - (see an oesteopath for this assessment)


Community Member

In my case they eventually discovered I had a stress fracture in the T7 vertebrae and the pain was most likely radiating from there.

After my trip to emergency the pain continued so a couple of months later I went to a private cardiologist for a second opinion and he ordered ct scans of my spine.

Bella does the pain get worse when you are doing something physically demanding?If it is the heart then usually the pain will get more intense with exertion and then ease when you are resting.

If the pains are pretty constant or do do not coincide with physical effort it is probably not your heart.But get it checked out properly .


The pain I notice is when I'm relaxing. It seems to go away when I'm active.

A couple of months ago I was going to a physio due to neck pain and it seemed to make my chest pains go away. I'm not sure if neck pain can cause chest pain though.

I have an appointment with another doctor next week (doctor number 4) so hopefully he can figure out what's going on.


Thank you. When I see a doctor next week I'll ask them if it could be any of these. I just want to get to the bottom of it as I'm just over feeling like this.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Bella,

Good on you for making the appointment. Fingers crossed it will bring you peace of mind.

The fact that pain eases with distraction seems to point that anxiety is indeed the culprit. Most other medical complaints are aggravated by activity. But getting it thoroughly checked is the best plan.

I hope you can still enjoy this Easter break.