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Can psychologist and GP work together to give medication prescription without seeing a psychiatrist?

Community Member

Hello all, for the last 6 months I have been visiting a psychologist about dissociative anxiety issues and trying various management techniques, in the last few months it has increased and become unmanageable to the point where i’ve started to consider getting medication, I recently went to a GP and discussed it and was referred to tele psychiatrist at HelloDoc for a 291 assessment but after reading reviews about the service and looking at the overall cost I decided i'm not comfortable booking an appointment.


I was wondering if my GP alone would be able to prescribe medication or if my GP with recommendation of my psychologist ( meaning consulting my psychologist on there opinions of wether medication is the right avenue) would be able to too, I understand that the specialisation on psychiatrist would be helpful and how but the wait to see one (I am a VCE year 12 student and my work load is starting to pile up more and more as I near exams which has caused more stress so in my mind the sooner the better) combined with the extra cost and the stress of having to open up to a new person does not seem to be worth it in my mind, any advice would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.

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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi os02045689


As you face what sounds like your most challenging year to date, my heart goes out to you. With you managing a number of challenges all at once, you need to give yourself the credit you deserve. As a mum to a 19yo guy and 21yo gal who both completed their VCE, to say year 12 is a mongrel of a year is putting it mildly. It's so incredibly tough and I really feel for you.


Having learned through my son's and daughter's experiences, I've learned GPs can't legally prescribe a certain class of drug, as they're not qualified to do so. I can relate to the cost factor that you mention. $3000 later and with an official diagnosis of high functioning autism for my son, I just couldn't afford to take him for a whole new assessment with a psychiatrist, in relation to finding meds that would help him through year 12. His issues with focus were debilitating to a certain degree. On the other hand, my daughter took herself straight to a psychiatrist early this year, who offered a cheaper assessment and medication as well. She was diagnosed with ADHD.


Some folk will seek a somewhat questionable psychiatry service, if that service can get them exactly what may make a difference (as soon as possible). An idea could be to consider the service and have your GP offer their opinion on whether the best med is one that's been offered to you through that service. This is the course I now wish I'd considered for my son, even if it was just to get him through year 12. Whether that's the right way or the wrong way is a matter of opinion.