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Breakup and Anxiety

Community Member

Hi, all my life i have wanted to be in a long term relationship and I have never been that 'casual' person.
I was with my boyfriend for a year and a half (im 28 and hes 34.) I have GAD which I can control, I take medication daily.
But out of what seemed for me, nowhere, he started getting distant with me and we ended up breaking up due to him not being 'ready to commit'. This obviously was hard as I thought we would be together forever. And I kept thinking how dare he not want to be with me im great! I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I've been seeing people from dating apps etc but no one seems ready to commit?? I'm just so frustrated and it gives me serious anxiety. Why does no one want to commit? Im talking people in their mid 30's who specify that they want a relationship.

Any tips on how to feel better about this would be helpful.




1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi there,

Sometimes it can take time to find the right person. Every person you meet along the way is there to teach you something. Maybe you weren't compatible, maybe your dreams were different etc. - the reason will become apparent. If it is meant to be, it will be. It can take a while to find the right person for you.

Have you spoken to a doctor/psychologist about your anxiety recently?

Stay strong,

Jaz xx