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Beyond a Doctors help.

Community Member

My mental health has just taken a turn for the more expensive. I've exhausted 7 different medications that my GP has prescribed. I think I mentioned in another post that the only one that worked effectively but my GP can no longer legally prescribe it and no psychiatrist wants to. I did get to see a psychiatrist 6 months ago (on a 291) and have exhausted those recommended medications.

I'm now facing the prospect of needing to regularly see a psychiatrist, except I've been blown away by the costs.

For a government that is talking about mental health it seems to be unaware of the barriers to actually receiving it.

Anyone have any recommendations?

ps I'm off my medication emotional, angry and moody, so I apologise for any negative tone this post has, in advance.

14 Replies 14

I had the works; I had a mental health plan, used up all 10 visits, was seeing a Psychologist privately but all they see is a request for medication. I did have some friends recommend me various psychiatrists, but about an hours travel and a large first visit fee.

Anyway I've got another week to go until I get to see my doctor and hopefully a prescription for a new class of drug.

I've been on 3 different SSRIs each with little effect or where the side effects outweighed the little benefit.

I've been on 2 SNRIs which the psychiatrist says now to stay away from, as they cause me anxiety.

And one restricted benzo which was the most effective.

I'm not too comfortable sitting at my desk for long periods, as we're selling the house and all the ratty looking comfortable chairs were thrown out, for a chair that looks more than it functions and a chair isn't a high priority at the moment.

holding my breath still.

Psychiatrist is my only option now. Many of the drugs recommended by my Psychiatrist my GP has looked at and said, I've got no idea how to prescribe that, so need to have my treatment managed by the psychiatrist, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to afford the treatment I need, as I'm in the unfortunate demographic that I'm earning too much to receive assistance, but only enough to make ends meet and no more.

I've also started on another SSRI, but have been told that it's probably 12 weeks before seeing any benefits. In the meantime I'm frustrated, exhausted and anxious.

My GP has deemed the medication I'm on is not working, but has no other options than to refer me to a psychiatrist.

Now my frustration is this; Mental illness is being played as important and that we should get help. I just made a booking to see my Psychiatrist and I have to wait 6 weeks. So I'm looking at feeling this way for at least another 6 weeks.

just anxious and frustrated.

Hi Silicontrip,

Just wanted to let u know that someone's hearing you. I just went back and read your posts too.

I think the system fails a lot of us and how frustrating not being able to get the medication that you need and having to wait so long.

I'm in the process of psychiatrist shopping. After seeing my first one I was able to get money back from medicare and was only out of pocket $50. I'm sure I'll be paying more for the next one though. Have failed to find the right fit so far. I didn't have to wait long either but maybe that's because I didn't get quality.

Six weeks is a long time to wait.

Hope it all works out in the end.

Community Member

This feels like it should be a new post. My Doctor and my Psychiatrist are now at odds with each other. Both are saying "no, you should prescribe it"

I'm currently feel like I'm in a reverse tug-of-ware, I can see the point that both are making and think that my GP is probably more correct. But it took me about 8 weeks to see the psychiatrist last time. My GP has recommended I see another GP for a second opinion on the medication, but they feel like no GP will prescribe the medication my psychiatrist has recommended.

I'm trying to get another appointment to see a psyche but I'm feeling quite a bit lost now.