
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Ausernsme Anxiety chest pain no panic attack
  • replies: 15

Hi So I was wondering if anxiety can cause chest pain without having had a panic attack? 5 years ago I used to have chest pain and always be anxious about my health. I had my heart checked everything was normal and I was diagnosed with anxiety. I too... View more

Hi So I was wondering if anxiety can cause chest pain without having had a panic attack? 5 years ago I used to have chest pain and always be anxious about my health. I had my heart checked everything was normal and I was diagnosed with anxiety. I took an SSRI for 4 years and then stopped last year. For the last 3 months I've been getting chest pain and my anxiety has been getting worse. Just this week I've started to get facial twitches as well. Can anxiety cause chest pain though even though I'm not hyperventilating or having a panic attack. The other thing is this chest pain I've been getting lately is located where my heart is while years ago when I would get chest pain during panic attacks it was located on the top left of my chest further away from the heart. I've had several ecg's this year which came normal but can't help but think maybe the problem just isn't happening when I'm having the ecg. I'm only 26 years old and I have smoked but only for about 6 months 2 years ago. Doctors always tell me it's unlikely to be anything wrong with my heart at my age. I'm not obese and blood tests and vitamins are good as well. I definitely over worry about my health but this chest pain in particular I just wonder if it can be cause by anxiety even though I'm not having a panic attack. Also I know the chest pain isn't heart burn since I grew up with heart burn and it is a totally different feeling. This feels like a constant stabbing pain.

AnxiousBird123 Chest pains worsening my anxiety
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, Finally decided to have a go at this. I've been suffering with anxiety for almost 6 months now. A sudden close family members death was the tipping point (died from a heart attack).A month after his death I had my first panic attack, at ... View more

Hi everyone, Finally decided to have a go at this. I've been suffering with anxiety for almost 6 months now. A sudden close family members death was the tipping point (died from a heart attack).A month after his death I had my first panic attack, at first I thought I was having a heart attack. After that night my life just felt different.Since then I was always checking my heart beats and googling every single new symptom i felt.I've been distracting myself and haven't been getting anxiety attacks for a while but all of a sudden I've been getting chest pains.The chest pains come randomly for a few seconds then go again, I keep trying to reassure myself that it's anxiety but I'm scared it's worse.Went to the doctor 3-4 times in a month and they say nothing's wrong with me. I don't know what else to do. I've been trying breathing techniques, but they don't always help.Does anyone know of any treatments for these chest pains?

lonely_076 Lonely
  • replies: 2

How to feel welcome , not finding anyone I can trust to talk out my thoughts always feel people are looking through me, never feeling good enough to be in people’s life’s . Feeling dumb and unappreciated. Trying to stay positive with no support, figh... View more

How to feel welcome , not finding anyone I can trust to talk out my thoughts always feel people are looking through me, never feeling good enough to be in people’s life’s . Feeling dumb and unappreciated. Trying to stay positive with no support, fighting my battles alone . It’s Hard !

xx00 Health Anxiety
  • replies: 1

Hello everyone,I have always suffered with anxiety but it’s never consumed my days. My usual anxiety episode would last 5-10 minutes and not come back for weeks on end but for the last 3 months I have been having anxiety attacks everyday and lasting ... View more

Hello everyone,I have always suffered with anxiety but it’s never consumed my days. My usual anxiety episode would last 5-10 minutes and not come back for weeks on end but for the last 3 months I have been having anxiety attacks everyday and lasting an hour or so. For the last 3 months with my anxiety it has turned my stomach away from food, to the point I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I have 5 comfortable foods I eat everyday but for the last 3 weeks I have been introducing new foods as requested by doctors. Every time I try new foods I have a sensation food is stuck in my throat or that I’m choking hours after I eat which is really irritating me. I read that anxiety can cause a lump sensation that mimicks food being stuck in the throat? I want to know if anyone else suffers from this sensation and ways to cope with it. The sensation of choking happens hours after I eat my food, and I’m trying to tell my body that if I was going to choke it would be instantly not delayed by hours.

aivilo45 New job making me anxious and depressed
  • replies: 2

Hi all, I started a new job this week and it is making me feel extremely anxious and depressed. I suffer from depression and anxiety. I feel very isolated at the job, everyone has their friends and I feel as though im kind of off to the side, awkardl... View more

Hi all, I started a new job this week and it is making me feel extremely anxious and depressed. I suffer from depression and anxiety. I feel very isolated at the job, everyone has their friends and I feel as though im kind of off to the side, awkardly sitting there. I am not overly fond of my team leader either, everyone sucks up to her and she clearly loves herself but im not about that. For some background info, i struggled a lot during highschool with friendships and this job is really triggering old emotions for me. The job itself is just ok, the work is hard and I know i still have a lot to learn. I know we have to work to make a living, but I just hate it. I always say to myself if this is what my job is going to be like and life is going to be like then whats the point of me being here (I am not going to do anything to myself). But i just get into that state of mind. I dont want to have to keep going to work everyday having panic attacks, and crying when I go to the bathroom or on my lunch break. I have amazing support at home from my loved ones, partner and friends but sometimes I just feel like no one gets it and that Im stuck in a hole. I haven't had a secure job for some time, either the manager being a bully or the job messing me about. So i have then had to leave the job, I feel as though I am somewhat self sabotaging at this point with any new job. My parents are both worried about me at the moment as Im really anxious and depressed, and in the past I was super close to attempting but called lifeline who sent police to my house, and seeing my parents and brother cry made me so upset, so I would never do that again (and I am not planning on it). I just want some advice and strategies please: How do i deal with people I dont like at work?How do i deal with the anxiety of going to work everyday?How do I not think the worst and have those bad thoughts when i have had a bad day?how do i feel with feeling isolated at work and like no one likes me? Thankyou.

Ali75 Anxiety medication for Teens
  • replies: 1

Hello I was wondering everyone's experience with anxiety medication for teens. My daughter has been on a medication since just after christmas and although I know it cannot take away her anxiety it has not helped at all. She is still stressed and ref... View more

Hello I was wondering everyone's experience with anxiety medication for teens. My daughter has been on a medication since just after christmas and although I know it cannot take away her anxiety it has not helped at all. She is still stressed and refusing school. My question is, should we return to gp and try a different one? Are some more effective than others? What is everyone's experience with this? Thanks

calli_the_abnormality I can't control my emotions and it's worrying.
  • replies: 3

Good morning/afternoon/evening. I'm writing because I've been having unreasonably sudden spikes in my anxiety. I've been diagnosed with severe anxiety/depression and I've been on medication for the past 5-6 years. As of writing this, I've just been c... View more

Good morning/afternoon/evening. I'm writing because I've been having unreasonably sudden spikes in my anxiety. I've been diagnosed with severe anxiety/depression and I've been on medication for the past 5-6 years. As of writing this, I've just been crying over a normal interaction with a teacher that normally, wouldn't result in me crying. My emotions have always been difficult to regulate and coupled with my lackluster social skills and 'strange' interests and behaviors have led me to believe I may be high-functioning autistic. How well I'm functioning is up for debate. I have no idea what to do with myself. I'm supposed to be graduating this year and going to university the next. Yet I can't compose myself at all.The interaction in question was just the teacher asking me to close my laptop. I immediately felt fearful, a pit in my throat. My eyes went sore and tearful and my friend noticed. I couldn't speak, I knew I'd cry if I did. I think it was the teacher's tone. See, I'm trying harder than usual to pick up social cues and tones of voice due to the suspected autism. So when I realised that the teacher was potentially ticked off, it shook me. I'd like advice, how do I regulate my emotions? How do I tell my parents without being undermined or told to just 'grow up?' (a common occurrence.) Can I seek help, preferably for free and without my parent's knowledge? Is there some other potential diagnosis in the mix? Please.

Loula Withdraws
  • replies: 3

I’m coming of an antipsychotic with doctors help. I’m starting to get irrational. I have a fear that someone is trying to kill me. I’m scared of people and being by myself. I know this is why though not true and it’s due to withdrawals as it’s a symp... View more

I’m coming of an antipsychotic with doctors help. I’m starting to get irrational. I have a fear that someone is trying to kill me. I’m scared of people and being by myself. I know this is why though not true and it’s due to withdrawals as it’s a symptom and no one is after me. but I feel scared that trying to go down on my medication was a bad idea. we have been planning this for 6 months till I was ready and to slowly take me off which os happening but the withdrawals are scaring me. im full of anxiety and very irritated. anyone relate to this or am I alone?

theo-m significant phobia
  • replies: 4

Hi all!I have had a phobia of a certain thing for over 10 years, and it has steadily been getting worse. It is related to medical procedures,and I become quite violent, so the only way I can have them done is if several people are holding be down, or... View more

Hi all!I have had a phobia of a certain thing for over 10 years, and it has steadily been getting worse. It is related to medical procedures,and I become quite violent, so the only way I can have them done is if several people are holding be down, or if I get knocked out.Mostly I've been able to avoid it, however it's been getting worse to the point where I'm having 2 panic attacks a week even without the trigger being present (ie. nobody around, in my own home).In the past (5 years ago), I attempted phobia therapy, however they requested I stop after 3 sessions, because we'd only covered about half an hour of the first session's material, and I was having multiple panic attacks a day.I do have an ongoing therapist that I see, however I'm hesitant to do phobia therapy with her, because it will transform herself and her office into a place of threat. I'm also worried about physically hurting her.Ideally I'd do it with a different therapist, however that means I'd go without ongoing therapy for my trauma and bipolar.I'm not sure what to do.Are there any specific support groups about this, either online or in person?(I've tried doing little bits of exposure, but even seeing the word sends my heart-rate rocketing and knocks me back for the rest of the day, let alone seeing a picture...)I feel lost and scared.

Fathiyma Used freak out when do things
  • replies: 2

I used have anxiety issues I was never offered proper medication but honestly it never helped, it eventually went away with only help from myself, the Mental health place I was receiving help in the community I was offered counselling but I started t... View more

I used have anxiety issues I was never offered proper medication but honestly it never helped, it eventually went away with only help from myself, the Mental health place I was receiving help in the community I was offered counselling but I started too late I already helped my self because I used wave my hands it went away because I had children so I had no choice to do things, I actually developed waving my hands after staying so long in the hospital when I came back home it was weird you would think I wouldn't forgot how to do easy every day things like cooking basic things, I remember I was too scared take hot food out of the oven, doing dishes was hard, just boiling needles in water was difficult it was like I was young again and learning basic things again. I know it's difficult how can we know how get better from Mental Illiness my best advice make it up as you go,try different things to cope, just doing something like even going to the beach do more for yourself, you can google free activities to do in city you live in.I treat my self that's the way go about it.Go hard, dream hard.Good luck