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Community Member

Hello Everyone,


I find that listening to music when I drive is very therapeutic.


Just wondering if anyone else feels the same way.


I'm not a huge listener of the radio but have digitalised my favourite music into different USB sticks

and play them all the time. I have a Live Concert stick, Different bands stick and a 1970's to 2000 stick.


The music has a calming effect and I couldn't imagine driving without it.


It is up very loud and I sing very loud and don't mind other drivers seeing that.

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi GypsyAvalon,


Yes absolutely music is a therapy. They actually have trained music therapists specifically for that reason. What I listen to depends on my mood. But if I am in a state of panic or anxiety I tend to listen to breathing exercises or the sound of rain/thunder/crickets. I use the calm app for that. 



Hi Bob,


Its great you can use music as a therapy.

My mood also depends on what music I listen too.


Blessed Be.