
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

Lind779 Help? I'm pregnant and suffering anxiety
  • replies: 2

I found out I was pregnant 4 days ago. 4 weeks in. We have been trying for a long time and I now can't believe its happened naturally, we were ready for IVF. My anxiety since finding out is at its all time high and I'm scared. Its 2am at the moment a... View more

I found out I was pregnant 4 days ago. 4 weeks in. We have been trying for a long time and I now can't believe its happened naturally, we were ready for IVF. My anxiety since finding out is at its all time high and I'm scared. Its 2am at the moment and struggling to sleep. Im on antidepressents and I was on a tablet that made me sleep better at night which they have just taken me off as its not a good one to take being pregnant. Now I'm back to waking up early which dictates my anxiety level.The earlier I wake up the worst anxiety will be. Just need help/ideas managing it because its not healthy for me or the bub. Anyone else managed pregnancy with anxiety? No bad stories please, need support

Music_Freak Lost hope and need a friend
  • replies: 67

I'm a girl...Narelle, 36, from Adelaide, single, unemployed, cat, what else...I probably shouldn't reveal so much, but may as well be honest, right? I have both anxiety and depression, and am a pessimist. I have lost all my "friends" because... View more

I'm a girl...Narelle, 36, from Adelaide, single, unemployed, cat, what else...I probably shouldn't reveal so much, but may as well be honest, right? I have both anxiety and depression, and am a pessimist. I have lost all my "friends" because of this and feel worthless and like giving up. I have a GP and a psychologist, but I'm not even sure the therapy (I've been going for a few years now) is working for me. I have two favourite bands (Sixx:A.M. and Halestorm. True Violet is another on the top of my list right now) and I write band fan fiction. In the past I have depended on these two things to help me through life, but now that they're not really working, I decided to try here. I just hope to have people to talk to, and maybe make some friends.

MyZincBed Be anxious for nothing
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I don't care if I am persecuted by my beliefs in the Bible but I found this helpful from the oldest, forgotten by many, book in the world, to help anxiety. Its not my anxiety, I refuse to accept it or own it. So that way if its not mine I won't care ... View more

I don't care if I am persecuted by my beliefs in the Bible but I found this helpful from the oldest, forgotten by many, book in the world, to help anxiety. Its not my anxiety, I refuse to accept it or own it. So that way if its not mine I won't care for it. So I release it in the belief that God is in control and the peace of God which surpasses ALL understanding will guard my mind in Christ Jesus.

MyZincBed Dealing with Government beauracracy eg Immigration or New rules resulted in a lot of stress and anxiety.
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Living in this modern times as a single parent is a constant battle with resulting in stress and anxiety. Its a wonder I have not got depression to go with it. There has to be a release and this beyond blue is a way to express our feelings which a cl... View more

Living in this modern times as a single parent is a constant battle with resulting in stress and anxiety. Its a wonder I have not got depression to go with it. There has to be a release and this beyond blue is a way to express our feelings which a clinical beauracracy no matter how much they say they care, ITS POLICY. Policy does not fit every human circumstance. Policy is another name for the LAW. So we have to deal withing policy, which is a way out'' out for government beauacracy. That is how emploees of Government beauacracy deal with their stress or anxiety. So its a constant battle which raises its head to bit some of us on a pension in the bum. To be pre-warned and ahead of them is a way to avoid the anxiety that too much stress can cause, not being sure if your next pay will come on time to pay the rent for example. Oh well they have 14 days to consider and make the payment due a fortnight agao. What about the rent you ask? Oh maybe you can contact the landlord. Yeah right, there goes your good record as a rent payer. Its on your record, despite you calling them. Immigration - make an application for a loved one to come out for a visit. Its like extracting teeth. There are many grey areas. So research and trial and error putting your head into the lions den. Oh well I do my best and if you first don't success try again , and again , and again. The bricks in their wall will crumble or maybe I am just a small hammer in a 10 foot thick wall. A little person in the hard wall . Oh well I go poo poo that will release some anxiety haha.

Bubblenut Anxiety after losing my first child
  • replies: 5

Hi there, I just wanted to say to everyone how strong you are for taking that step to sign up here. It has taken me a few years, I have been on this site a few times in the past few years. Depression has been apart of my life on and off and I am quit... View more

Hi there, I just wanted to say to everyone how strong you are for taking that step to sign up here. It has taken me a few years, I have been on this site a few times in the past few years. Depression has been apart of my life on and off and I am quite aware of it creeping in and generally am quite equipped with dealing with it, sometimes not so much. After having two miscarriages and then losing my first born son at 17 days old at full term due to a genetic condition and a very complicated pregnancy, I have learnt that I am different person and i will never be that person i was. This took a few years to realise. I have had two more healthy children since but have found anxiety creeping in. At first i had no idea what it was, I just assumed it was me being a paranoid mother. But i have noticed it getting more invasive. I sometimes have to bring my kids into my bed incase armed intruders get into my house and I have to choose between what child i go to first and conjure up horrible fears of not being able to get to one or both in time. Sometimes i can quash those fears and go to sleep, othertimes it gets the better of me. Everytime i get in the car with my kids I have to mentally talk to myself that we are not going to die today. Or playing out the front and getting hit by a car so i teach them about road safety as much as i can...nag even. But that gut wrench feeling and sickness sometimes forces me and the kids inside and out the back. I have found ways to push through these moments or find ways to ease the fear by bringing my kids in bed with me...but it does make for a bad night sleep. I guess what i am getting at is, will i always be like this?? Will i always have to fight through these feelings of fear and anxiety of my other two children dying? Are there better/other options for me to deal with this? Or is this the rest of my life? I don't want to cotton ball my kids.

Barkieboi Anxiety and depression leading to intrusive thoughts.
  • replies: 8

First of all, I'll share a little about myself and how I've got to the stage I'm at now in regards to my anxiety. So, like many people, my anxiety is hereditary. It's wreaked havoc through generations on my mums side of the family and to a lesser ext... View more

First of all, I'll share a little about myself and how I've got to the stage I'm at now in regards to my anxiety. So, like many people, my anxiety is hereditary. It's wreaked havoc through generations on my mums side of the family and to a lesser extent, my dads side. Unfortunately due to binge drinking in my earlier years, my anxiety has snowballed over the last few years. Recently though, I've had very severe episodes of anxiety and depression which, in turn, sets off the intrusive thoughts. Some episodes have risen after a big night of alcohol, others, simply because I've seen an advert about bowel cancer on tv or a post on Facebook about HIV. It sets the ball rolling and I can't stop the thoughts. I'm on medication and seeking therapy but at times when i have an episode, I'm too overwhelmed by guilt and grief to implement my strategies. It rock's me to my core. As I speak now, I'm currently battling the worst intrusive thought's I've ever experienced. I stupidly missed my medication for 3 days which subsequently sparked my anxiety and intrusive thoughts. My medication has been upped and I'm going to my psychologist on Wednesday. I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar and how you got through it? I'm so petrified that it won't pass and that my psychologist will think I'm a monster because of these thoughts I keep having and the anxiety I keep battling. I have a loving partner who supports me and family that have been my rock but I feel I just need to love myself too. I care for everyone around me, I'm a kind and caring person but I'm just struggling to feel this way about myself. I avoid going places and doing things that might trigger my anxiety. This is tearing me apart... If anyone has any suggestions or advice, it would be much appreciated. kind regards, Adz

DaphanyReynolds panic disorder coming back after traumatic event
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Hi all, Im new to this forum stuff. I have panic disorder and have for a couple of years. I was healing it well and then I developed a pnemonia and had to stay in hospital isolation for 15 days. The whole ordeal was so traumatic and I'm still physica... View more

Hi all, Im new to this forum stuff. I have panic disorder and have for a couple of years. I was healing it well and then I developed a pnemonia and had to stay in hospital isolation for 15 days. The whole ordeal was so traumatic and I'm still physically recovering from it but now I think my anxiety has come back full swing. Has anyone experienced a complete relapse like this after something traumatic? I'm always on the verge of an attack now after 8 months of not having one at all. I know panic stays with us but to come back so suddenly is really uncomfortable. Thank you in advance to any responses xx

Emma77 I went shopping!
  • replies: 9

I have put myself through such torture this morning. I’ve had increasing anxiety about the thought of shopping spaces, and I had myself freaked out and convinced I couldn’t do it before I even left the house. I’m kind of lucky that there’s a corner s... View more

I have put myself through such torture this morning. I’ve had increasing anxiety about the thought of shopping spaces, and I had myself freaked out and convinced I couldn’t do it before I even left the house. I’m kind of lucky that there’s a corner shop that so far hasn’t given me a panic attack (I have no idea what the difference is). Of course it has no variety, and is super expensive, but it’s an option for me so that at least I know I won’t starve. Anyway, the only way I could get out of the house was by telling myself that if I couldn’t cope at Coles, I was ‘allowed’ to go to the little shop. But I went to Coles, and wandered and wandered around the registers, too scared to go too far in. I’d walk halfway up the meat section, but couldn’t get to the back where the chicken is (of course it’s at the back) and then halfway up the pet isle, but not to the back where the cat food is (of course it’s at the back, I’m starting to take it personally, lol). And I just kept walking and walking, getting a little closer each time. Took me ages just to buy six items, but I finally did it. I feel good that I was able to do it, and was tempted to share this in the positive story thread, but there is still a voice giving me such a hard time. Telling me that it shouldn’t have been so hard in the first place, and I shouldn’t be patting myself on the back just for doing what most people do every day. Why does panic have to be so all-consuming?

Byltim Feeling overwhelmed
  • replies: 5

Hi all, im kind of new to this kind of thing but im hoping it will help in some way. Im 29 and i suffer from GAD with a few other things thrown in (depression, PTSD, OCD. In the past 5 years specifically i feel like i am just keeping my head above wa... View more

Hi all, im kind of new to this kind of thing but im hoping it will help in some way. Im 29 and i suffer from GAD with a few other things thrown in (depression, PTSD, OCD. In the past 5 years specifically i feel like i am just keeping my head above water. I lost my son in 2011, my dad in 2013 and my mum was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in 2014 and has approximately 6 months to live. My life seems to have fallen apart. I have a gambling problem, i am not able to have anymore children, i did have the best job in the world but have lost interest in everything. I even lost interest in my art which used to be my out time. My childhood was full of crummy happenings and i have never been one to dwell too much on that. But some of the past happenings have resurfaced and are affecting me and the way i do things. I am suffering at the moment from serious insomnia. I am scared that something is going to happen and i will lose everything. My daughter, the things ive worked hard to get. Its just overwhelming. Everytime i go to a counsellor i cant even get through the newest issues to get to the older ones without some other major horrible thing happening. I am a strong person... but i feel like everything is starting to crumble.

kbh anxiety stops me from living.
  • replies: 1

Hi I am new to this I have just learnt to accept I have anxiety and depression, my biggest problem with it all is I feel trapped like I can't enjoy my life I'm scared to exercise due to heart pulps and the fear of ending up back in hospital because e... View more

Hi I am new to this I have just learnt to accept I have anxiety and depression, my biggest problem with it all is I feel trapped like I can't enjoy my life I'm scared to exercise due to heart pulps and the fear of ending up back in hospital because every time I first had a panic attack I thought I was dying, I can't go for a walk with my family or even a bike ride. I hate being in this position my life is wasting away on this up and down roller coaster, I listen to calming noises and do breathing exercises which do help to a degree, until I have a panic attack while out then i'm back at the start any tips n what else I can do.