
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Ashy20 Crippling anxiety
  • replies: 1

I thought that anxiety would be worse in high school than as an adult but here I am at 20 years old and I never thought I’d be in this situation where I was scared to leave the house because of my debilitating anxiety. I can only leave my house if I ... View more

I thought that anxiety would be worse in high school than as an adult but here I am at 20 years old and I never thought I’d be in this situation where I was scared to leave the house because of my debilitating anxiety. I can only leave my house if I stay in the car and even then if someone looks at me I get into a small panic attack. I’m one of those people that spirals very quickly and over thinks everything and thinks the worst and if im in public I can imagine every little thing that people around me would be saying about me right now and making fun of me and I spiral so quickly that I have to leave. When im with my family it’s a little easier to manage because I’m distracted a little more but If I’m just with my partner I can’t handle it, and I feel like im holding him back from doing all these fun things that he wants me to try because he loves and I just can’t. I won’t put myself in an unfamiliar situation, or even eat unfamiliar things or even try new things because I’m constantly afraid I’ll fail and people will laugh at me and I’ll be humiliated. I’m finally at the stage where I actually want to see someone but I can’t go alone, and I don’t want to talk to some stranger who’s just going to think im weird. My family has absolutely no idea and I just wish I could talk to my mum and dad about it and wish that they would come with me but they don’t live close to me and I feel like im just a burden to them and a disappointment.

jcat dissapointed with psychologist
  • replies: 10

hi everyone ive been seeing a psychologist for almost 12 months, only once a month or less due to cancelled appts etc, i see him for anxiety that was bought on due to stressing over a medical condition and the medical profession, he helped me alot in... View more

hi everyone ive been seeing a psychologist for almost 12 months, only once a month or less due to cancelled appts etc, i see him for anxiety that was bought on due to stressing over a medical condition and the medical profession, he helped me alot in our first few appts and got me to write a daily journal that i email him once a week, he was giving me feedback and suggestions back. Now the last few weeks, nothing, i emailed him a few weeks back with what i thought was a rather desperate journal about a new diagnosis and how i was not coping and got no reply so left it a few days and emailed him again complaining, he responded saying it sounded like i had everything sorted, left it at that, i sent this weeks journal which was again not bright and cheery and again no reply, now he knows some of my major issues are over feeling ignored and disregarded by the medical profession, losing faith in the medical profession and now here he is ignoring me. Ive now stopped writing my journal, because whats the point i have a appt with him on wednesday and simply dont want to go because i feel like he is another one that just does not care, i dont have any more option as i live in a rural town and i had already seen 2 physiologists who told me i was fine until i saw this one i just dont know what to do

Kmart96 Anxiety is controlling my life
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First time poster here. I recently quit smoking weed after being a heavy user for the past year and a half. Having previously suffered from depression and anxiety, the withdrawals from weed have really brought the two out, especially the anxiety. I’m... View more

First time poster here. I recently quit smoking weed after being a heavy user for the past year and a half. Having previously suffered from depression and anxiety, the withdrawals from weed have really brought the two out, especially the anxiety. I’m getting almost daily panic attacks along with alarming physical symptoms like shortness of breath, muscle pain and twitches, headaches and sometimes dizziness. I’ve been to the doctors and hospital numerous times and have had so many tests that have ruled everything out, it’s just so scary. My psychiatrist recently put me on new medication which has also brought my anxiety out which is apparently normal before working. Just want to hear someone else that has gone through the same thing so I don’t feel so alone and afraid. Thanks in advance

Beekeo Anxiety and dating
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Hi all! I need to find out if anyone has had similar experiences. I tend to have to horrible problem when I go on a date with a guy I like. The next day I wake up with major anxiety. I can't breathe, I hate being alone. And my mind races 100 miles an... View more

Hi all! I need to find out if anyone has had similar experiences. I tend to have to horrible problem when I go on a date with a guy I like. The next day I wake up with major anxiety. I can't breathe, I hate being alone. And my mind races 100 miles an hour. Will I see him again? Does he want to see me? Having the desperate need to modify my life to cater to seeing him BC I'm scared he's going to lose interest. I get anxiety when he doesn't reply to a msg straight away and the cycle begins again. This has happened almost everytime I have been on a date with someone I really connect with. My friends are super supportive and say that I'm the one he should try and win over. But my logical side and emotional side don't seem to agree. Anyone out there similar to me?? Or any advice on how I can control it? Thanks

Scotty2013 Hello again
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Been a while hope everyone is well, heading to another Christmas ekk! braces! ... My Anxiety is a little high again, but i live with someone with a lot of health issues to, so i take on their stuff as well as mine own. Trying to figure out ways to be... View more

Been a while hope everyone is well, heading to another Christmas ekk! braces! ... My Anxiety is a little high again, but i live with someone with a lot of health issues to, so i take on their stuff as well as mine own. Trying to figure out ways to best deal with that, so its not as impacting on myself. Apart from that life has been the same for me, the daily grind just to keep going, how you all doing?

CavingInbutGettingThere Stress? Aniexty? or just Over Thinking
  • replies: 3

I'm currently on Work for the Dole while also with a paying job. I believe my job agency consultant is adding factors to jeopardise my mental health. I have told them I rely heavily on public transport and she has put me at a place that is a struggle... View more

I'm currently on Work for the Dole while also with a paying job. I believe my job agency consultant is adding factors to jeopardise my mental health. I have told them I rely heavily on public transport and she has put me at a place that is a struggle to get to and is also quite costly. I have spent the past couple of days freaking out from barely sleeping to crying my eyes out because I don't know what to do. Centrelink hasn't been helpful and have said i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Department of Employment tells me my paid job comes first. To make it worse,my job agency has been sending me consistent messages of "your payments have been suspend" even though I believe I've been doing the right thing,if I can't turn up to an appointment I ring them and let them know. I rang them to let them know I attended my work for the dole placement and they said they would mark me off but instead over the weekend I got bombared with "just a reminder your payments are suspend" I have been with the same agency for a year and in the last few months they have just been nothing but stressful to deal with. I have a whinge on fb and my friends tell me to get a doctor's note to exemption me from work for the dole and possibly the job agency but my friends have also said to get a transfer. I wouldn't know where to start on getting a transfer nor do I believe doctor's would believe me when I ask for an exemption. It's now gotten to the point where i'd rather not be part of Centrelink or the job agency especially since the job agency has been claiming my paid work isn't good enough and that I need to put my paid job last. I'm on a casual rate and know that the few extra bucks a fortnight from Centrelink does help me when I barely get hours/pay from work. My paid work is within walking distance of where I live and I've been with the company for five years but like I mentioned before,I am only on a casual rate. Like Centrelink has said I'm stuck between a rock and a hardplace which is making me feel worse because I believe there is no one (government wise) out there to help people like me who are trying to do the right thing.

Louise13 Health Anxiety!
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Hi all, I am new to this forum and this is my first post. I have been reading through some posts and truly didn't realise health anxiety was a thing until I saw many people discussing how they have thoughts exactly like I do. It is really comforting ... View more

Hi all, I am new to this forum and this is my first post. I have been reading through some posts and truly didn't realise health anxiety was a thing until I saw many people discussing how they have thoughts exactly like I do. It is really comforting to know I am not the only person who stresses about any little pain that I have in my body. I have been experiencing muscle aches in my arms and legs over the last few days, and tingling sensations in these same areas. I immediately think I have some disease and my muscles are wasting away!! (something like fibromyalgia or MS??). I imagine a life with this illness and how I will cope. A big fear is that I have an illness that is incurable. I start stressing about dying young and I how I really just want to live a normal healthy life. I have to keep myself busy because as soon as I stop and have a moment to myself I start to panic, and I google everything that could be wrong with me which just sends me into a spin. I am so jealous of everyone who doesn't have to deal with this problem. It is so draining. Does anyone have any tips on how to overcome this? I am still stressed that I have a terminal illness as I am writing this. I wish all the thoughts would just go away.. Thanks

Guest_9550 My recovery story - the steps to recovery
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My name is David. I’m a Scottish man in my early 40’s, and I’ve lived in Sydney Australia for the past 15 years. At the age of 33, following a period of consistent and continued stress and worry at home and in work, I developed Generalised Anxiety Di... View more

My name is David. I’m a Scottish man in my early 40’s, and I’ve lived in Sydney Australia for the past 15 years. At the age of 33, following a period of consistent and continued stress and worry at home and in work, I developed Generalised Anxiety Disorder. I didn’t just wake up one morning and have an anxiety problem - it crept up on me slowly and gradually as the worries in my life began to occupy more and more of my mind. I had a good life and considered myself to be happy – but anxiety crept in anyway. It started with some strange symptoms – and as these symptoms progressed and I began to fear the way the symptoms made me feel – the anxiety became a problem. I remained in the grips of anxiety for a number of years, which led me to unemployment, despair, hopelessness, and a trip to the emergency ward. My life and mind were consumed with trying to escape the terrifying thoughts and feelings and scary symptoms that made each day almost unbearable. Determined to find the joy in my life again, I spent time learning about my condition and how it affected my mind and body. I began to really understand why I remained trapped and why I had to approach my anxiety in a different way if I wanted to recover. By acquiring this knowledge, and using it to break my anxiety cycle, I was able to fully recover. After 5 years of suffering I was able to once again live a life that was no longer ruled by anxiety. David

Northernstar Fell down the rabbit hole. Need hope.
  • replies: 2

I’ve always been a bit anxious my whole life, but it never really interfered with my daily activity or quality of life. It was just part of me. This past year I had both kids diagnosed with chronic lifelong health conditions, tried to deal long dista... View more

I’ve always been a bit anxious my whole life, but it never really interfered with my daily activity or quality of life. It was just part of me. This past year I had both kids diagnosed with chronic lifelong health conditions, tried to deal long distance with my mother with Alzheimers, and a husband who was FIFO the past 18 months until March. I started getting chest pains, but two ER trips ruled out heart issues. Then in August, I had another episode and this time changes to ecg they said and after a subsequent day of intense pain, I ended up in the cardio ward. Angio was negative and subsequent echo negative. Never found out why the ecg was weird (leads on wrong?). They put me on medication because I mentioned my chest burning. Gastroscopy and biopsies negative, but tightness and burning continued. Nine weeks on, still dealing with GI flare ups while on double dose and topping up with Gaviscon. I see the gastroenterologist in mid November. Lost about 11kg since the end of August. Have been seeing psychologist, hypnotherapist/psychologist at MindGut Clinic, just met the psychiatrist last week who recommended a medication, which I’ve been scared to start. I’ve been doing everything I can to tone down the anxiety (exercise, Headspace, guided hypnotherapy exercises, vitamins, CBT workbooks) and some days I seem to be making okay progress and I’m impressed at my slowly growing resilience, but then something will happen (like the episode of ectopic beats on Wednesday), and panic sets in and I can’t cope. I had the start of a panic attack this morning and took a half dose of a medication my GP prescribed for the first time (it sat unused since August) but my kids didn’t get to school because I couldn’t drive. I feel so low right now, like someone flipped a switch and my previous life ended that August day and all that’s left is constant anxiety and pain. I also have no real support here except for my husband and kids. We moved to Australia nine years ago, and all of my family and friends are back in Canada. I want to move home and everyone is onboard with that but I need to get better first and that seems so far away. Thanks for reading. If anyone has been here and made it through, please feel free to share and give me a bit of hope.

kitten1509 Phone anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi, lately i've been having slight issues with calling people or answering phone calls - especially from people i dont know. I used to be able to pick up the phone through sheer mental force but now its kinda getting worse. Part of my anxiety is due ... View more

Hi, lately i've been having slight issues with calling people or answering phone calls - especially from people i dont know. I used to be able to pick up the phone through sheer mental force but now its kinda getting worse. Part of my anxiety is due to the fact that I'm having a hard time calling people when my mother would open the door and ask who i'm talking to right in the middle of a call i'm taking with someone. I just dont know how to deal with it when talking on the phone is a vital part of the job application process (interview) for quite a few employers. So, my question is - how do i deal with it, or overcome this anxiety/fear ?