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Health Anxiety!

Community Member
Hi all,
I am new to this forum and this is my first post. I have been reading through some posts and truly didn't realise health anxiety was a thing until I saw many people discussing how they have thoughts exactly like I do. It is really comforting to know I am not the only person who stresses about any little pain that I have in my body. I have been experiencing muscle aches in my arms and legs over the last few days, and tingling sensations in these same areas. I immediately think I have some disease and my muscles are wasting away!! (something like fibromyalgia or MS??). I imagine a life with this illness and how I will cope. A big fear is that I have an illness that is incurable. I start stressing about dying young and I how I really just want to live a normal healthy life. I have to keep myself busy because as soon as I stop and have a moment to myself I start to panic, and I google everything that could be wrong with me which just sends me into a spin. I am so jealous of everyone who doesn't have to deal with this problem. It is so draining.

Does anyone have any tips on how to overcome this? I am still stressed that I have a terminal illness as I am writing this. I wish all the thoughts would just go away..

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Louise13

Thankyou for being a part of the forums and having the courage to post your thread topic too!

Health anxiety is very common with many people of all ages. Sometimes we can 'overthink' our symptoms/feelings to a point that they interfere with our day to day well being.

If we can 'rewind' our thinking to before we had these worrying feelings. Can I ask roughly when you started having the pain with your muscles in your arms and legs? I am not a GP. I used to have severe anxiety followed by depression for 35 years and in recovery now ....thank goodness!

I have a friend with fibromyalgia and a work colleague that was diagnosed with MS and these are illnesses that require a doctors diagnosis which will help you with any uncertainty and whether or not you have any illness

Please dont be jealous of everyone that doesnt have to deal with this problem Louise. You made an excellent point that these thoughts are draining which they are

I understand you when you mentioned the word 'incurable' as that is exactly what I thought about my fears too!

If I may suggest...making a double appointment with your GP to have a good talk....even if you copy this page and just give it to her/him..(it would save you a lot of time explaining what you are going through!)

Using Google as a health reference can make us feel worse as there are so many conflicting opinions/advice it can make us feel not only overwhelmed but so very confused too. Sure...Google is a good research tool for basic health issues....just not for self diagnosis....Thats only for your GP....I still see my doc every few weeks for a 'tune up"

The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post Louise. When its convenient for you, I hope you can post back and let us know your thoughts

Great to have you with us and thankyou for the kind feedback too 🙂

my kind thoughts


Community Member

hi louise

i understand exactly where you are coming from

I have been very unwell for over 3 years now, i have a benign heart condition that is made worse by stress and the more i stress the worse it gets, a vicious cycle, it has caused me major anxiety and panic attacks.

doctors have always looked past all my other 'symptoms' saying it was anxiety, i kept saying that i am being ignored and looked past which has made me lose all faith in doctors. 12 months after seeing a specialist i have finally been diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatic and temporal arteritis (this was after previously being diagnosed with lupus and vertigo, then they changed their minds, ) i was given some medication for my new 'disease' and ended up in the er the first day as it upset my heart medication which gave me a huge panic attack, i put up with it for a week then stopped taking them, ive since seen the specialist and he dropped my medication which i have yet to take as im scared of the side effects, i am convinced that they are either going to find something wrong with me and say 'sorry its to late, we left it to long' or ill be laying on the coroners table and they will say, 'she had such and such and it was never diagnosed, its sad when we lose all faith and trust in those that are supposed to help us