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Balance issues just from anxiety?

Community Member


This is my first time posting on here so I'm not sure if I'm in the right spot but hopefully I am!

I have suffered from anxiety for years, as a teen I had depression and anxiety and really bad OCD. So I'm pretty use to all the things that come with it and I know how powerful the mind can be over the body and the symptoms you feel but over the past 2 years I have developed a symptom that is hard to believe is all from my anxiety. I developed a panic disorder around 2 years ago and at the same time I was incredibly dizzy and off balance. It's hard to say if the panic came as a result of the dizziness or the other way around but it has been pretty constant over the past 2 years and today I just saw my 2nd ENT who told me that my inner ear ect is fine so there's nothing they can do to help me. That's great obviously but it doesn't help that I constantly feel like I have just gotten off a boat or like I'm falling over when I'm standing still!

i have a young child and I can't even play with him which breaks my heart. When I feel dizzy I do panic more which I know is a vicious cycle but I just find it hard to see how all day constant off balance feelings can be from that. I know when I have a panic attack or when I breathe too fast I either feel light headed or like I will faint but this is different.

I guess I'm just looking for personal experience from others who might have felt this horrible symptom of anxiety. My panic is related a lot around health so of course when my body feels terrible it's not a fun time for me! So if anyone has any tips to overcome it that would also be amazing!

Thanks 🙂

46 Replies 46

Thanks for your reply!

Knowing you've experienced the same thing gives me hope that it is just anxiety and that there is a way to be free of it!

I just looked up adrenal fatigue and I have all of the symptoms! Might have to look into it more.

I am glad you found relief and I'm hoping that if I can start making some diet changes and starting to overcome the anxiety that I'll also be able to get rid of it for good! Thanks again

Community Member
Hi Lynda,
Thanks for your reply.

I have had lots of tests, some doctors say vertigo some say not. Sometimes it fits the description of vertigo and sometimes it doesn't. Blood pressure also seems ok. I haven't had a proper balance test tho I don't think? But then when they do check my balance I'm all over the place. Diet is good too. If anything I probably eat too much! Don't skip meals tho and when I do get low sugars the feeling from that is much different.
Thank you for all of your suggestions tho.

Community Member
Hi ci,

Thanks for your reply.

That sounds horribly scary! I'm glad your seeing a specialist now and hopefully they can put a stop to what your experiencing. That kind of stuff would send me into a mad panic!

Doctors definitely do find it easier to dismiss everything on OCD/anxiety/panic ect and it's so frustrating!

I have had an MRI and apparently everything looks normal which is great! But it still leaves me no where.

I do have support, I'm lucky to have an amazing husband who is super supportive. I am pretty sure it's the frustration of what's going on with the dizziness that's making the panic worse. The days when the dizziness isn't as bad I'm a lot happier!
I feel like such a burden on my son and Husband it's horrible.

Community Member

The feeling of being a burden is horrible I'm sorry you feel that your husband and son sound like they love you so much and are great support remember that you do so much for them as well and family is all about supporting and helping each other your not a burden.

I hope things improve for you soon

Community Member

Hi all,

I am currently going through this anxiety fueled dizziness and its horrible, did anyone overcome this nightmare?

Community Member


As an anxiety sufferer (diagnosed with GAD, severe OCD as a child) I have experienced dizzy like symptoms. Particularly during panic and they totally suck! My anxiety has always been triggered from health related stuff so I understand how hard it can be when you feel a physical symptom to stop yourself from going into an all out anxiety frenzy. I am also a nurse though and do try and look at things objectively.

Doctors can be great but some are a little to quick to dismiss things if a patient does have a history of anxiety (as dizziness is an extremely common symptom of anxiety). What sort of tests have you done? Have you done general blood tests with FBE, checking your iron, Haemoglobin, thyroid etc. Have you done an MRI, have you seen a cardiologist and done a stress test, have you had a respiratory assessment? Do you suffer from asthma, had blood pressure readings. Those are probably the main things to check. What makes your dizziness worse? What makes it better, lying down, walking etc? Have you had it in the past? Are there medications which could be causing? Do you see an Optomotrist and wear glasses or contacts? You don't have to give me answers to these questions but may be good to give that info to your doc and any other symptoms you may have. Don't be afraid to go and get another opinion from another health professional also.

I went through months of very intense dizziness, which was completely horrible and came out of nowhere and at a period where my anxiety was the best it had been for years. It freaked me out. Did some general tests and all was "ok". It hung around for months but I tried to implement things to help me not panic about it. It did help but it was definitely still there. This could be very well related to your anxiety but it's always best to confirm that there isn't an underlying cause that can be treated first.

Best of luck. Let me know if you have any questions or anything 🙂

Community Member
I have done an MRI of the brain, basic blood test, eyes were tested, ENT tests all came back "Normal", I did a stress test a few years ago but recently had a 24 holter monitor on and everything was fine. I Have had anxiety for about 8 years and attacks on and off and i have had what feels like tension in my upper back and traps, doctors keep saying its just anxiety but i dont know how anxiety can cause this drunk weird feeling i get.. I have tried to pin point what brings it on but i cant, sometimes its by moving the head other times it can just be from eye movements.. its so weird and awful

Community Member

It sounds like they have done quite a thorough check which is good. You can always go for other tests but generally with all the tests they've done, if it was something physical it would've more than likely showed a sign on one of those tests.

Can you please try and describe the feeling to me? I noticed you've said it's like a dizzy drunk feeling. I've had something like That, very intense and scary and lasted for years. I still have it now but more so mildly (after having it intensely for almost a year). It can be something that is common in panic and anxiety sufferers, even depression. The way it is described by people can be subjective. Look up derealisation. For me it's like I feel like things around me aren't real (even though I know they are), like I'm in a surreal dreamlike state and I get episodes of bad dizziness, a lot of the times where I've felt like I was going to faint and have had to sit on the ground and lean against something. This feeling comes and lingers for me after a massive panic attack. The feeling and the dizziness triggers my health anxiety and panic even more and it I'm stuck in a vicious cycle.

Community Member
It started as a weird feeling as if my stomach would drop and i would get a very quick feeling that i could faint, when i say quick i mean like literally 1 second but then it would make me anxious or even panic sometimes, then it just stayed one day and it felt like i had it constantly and would only come with certain movements and its still like that 2 months later but im just a little less anxious from having all the tests done. So the feeling now is like im drunk or on a boat but its not constant it comes on when im walking and i turn my head especially in shopping centres and in certain lighting. So yeah the room doesn't spin or anything but i feel unbalanced or drunk.. Doctors say its just anxiety but something tells me its not.

Get your ears checked by a good ENT specialist. You could be suffering Meniere's Syndrome without realising it. High or low blood pressure can also drive Syncope (dizziness and fainting). If your GP has already written you off as an "anxiety case" then go and see a different GP. Don't give too much away as regards your anxiety...just give him/her the facts about your symptoms. Go from there.