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Are there any Business owners out there experiencing work induced anxiety

Community Member
I would like to know if there are any other business owners out there who are finding it tough and suffering daily with the anxiety of the stress, responsibility and unknowns of being the boss. Its worn me down and my anxiety has grown to the point of debilitation. I don’t enjoy going in to work in the morning. Whilst I don’t wish anyone to be in my position it would be comforting to hear from anyone else in the same situation and to know I’m not alone. Any coping strategies would be welcome from anyone who reads this as well.
10 Replies 10

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Midnightsailor

Welcome and good on you for having the strength to post and be a part of the forums too!

I understand the pain you are in and it can be dark place....I feel your pain. I have been in senior corporate working with directors of small and medium sized businesses for over three decades

You are not alone where chronic anxiety is concerned at all. I know many business owners (even off the forums) that have the same pain as yourself.

I screwed up and didnt get the support I needed with my chronic anxiety in its early days. It took me over 10 years of denial to agree that I needed to see my GP and counselor frequently. I had weekly appointments with a community based counselor (psychologist) for seven months as my anxiety was getting worse. After frequent counseling I felt like a new person....That was in the 90's and I still see my GP for a fine tune every month and take meds as they can provide us with a solid foundation on which we can heal effectively (with counseling)

It takes a ton of determination and patience (time) yet you will notice the difference where recovery is concerned 🙂

Even a double appointment with your GP will be a huge step to feeling better....as often as you can. The GP's have much better training now where anxiety is concerned compared to when I tried to get help 35 years ago

Its just my humble opinion Midnight......You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by leaning on your GP

The forums are a rock solid safe and non judgemental place for you to post or ask any questions

I hope this has been of some help to you in this difficult time.Anxiety is no different to a serious physical issue

you are not alone at all and are more than welcome to ask anything you wish (thumbs up!)

my kind thoughts for your recovery


Thank you Paul 🙏🏽. Appreciate you writing back. I think I need to speak to someone I will follow your advice.

No worries at all Midnightsailor

Can I ask how your day was?

I have mates (business owners/directors) that work very very long hours and they are that stressed they wake up at all hours and are worn out before they even get to their business...

do you have a GP that you get along with?

Please excuse the questions Midnight....Your privacy and well being is paramount to us

just trying to provide more effective support as a volunteer


Hi Midnightsailor

I am a business owner and I understand how you feel.

The requirements and expectations of government, regulators, financial institutions, customers and staff are dynamic and challening to manage. And all the while we carry the responsibility to make a profit or it's game over. It's very tough.

You are not alone.

I cope in a number of ways. I see my GP and a psychologist to talk when I need to. I have found natural sleep remedies that work for me and I use them regularly. I walk everyday. I hire people to help with cleaning and maintenance at home cause I have no time or energy.

I have put people I trust in key business roles and learned to delegate (it takes practice). Critically this means I can take time out of the business, which I do regularly. Several short breaks a year on top of leave. I would burn out without these "recharging" breaks.

I could write more but am limited by space. Feel free to post again, I am happy to keep talking.

Kind thoughts to you

Community Champion
Community Champion

hi midnight sailor,

I am a small sole business owner and can relate to what you write.

Paul and summer rose have shared their experience and given you some helpful suggestions.

I am involved in a small business group within Beyond blue .

There is also Heads up on the website about mental health in the work place.

I agree with summer rose that looking after your own health is very important and reaching our and asking for help.

is there someone you can trust who can help you write out a plan that addresses your concerns.

i am in a hurry now to go and open my business but will write more later.

Take care


Hi Quirky,

I suffer a lot with stress and anxiety while running my business. I am 2.5 years in and worry every day about losing our home. I would never have taken this on itf I'd known how much it would change our lives. What is the small business group in Beyond Blue please? I need all the support that I can get to keep me from sinking into a depression.


Community Member
Hi. I purchased a business 3mths ago and it isn't going well. I am now suffering from Anxiety. I can't sleep and when i get to work, i feel sick. I am about to shut up shop and walk away. I have never felt this way before. I'm feeling sick just thinking about it while writing this!!

Hi Chopnik

Self employed 30 years and it's still a daily battle but on the positive side, in control of your own decisions and business destiny. Think how to do things differently for your customers.Remember customers who have bought from you want to hear from you. There are gold nuggets in your backyard.

Not being glib but houses don't matter. Get the income stream working and the houses will come. Don't know your age but young children don't care if the house is owned or rented as long as mum and dad love each other. Brought up 13 years in a council flat in Manchester but only have great memories of a happy home.

Good luck mate and well done for having a go.

27 years and still stressful