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Anyone have any experience with Housing SA?

Community Member

I've suffered from anxiety for the last 8 years or so. Actually i've suffered most of my life, but i was diagnosed about 8 years ago. Despite treatment i have not improved. I haven't been employed since 2012. I was assessed as being capable of more than 15 hours a week of work, but i can't work with other people and so i can really only work from home. I have not been able to find anything. I have been employed about 6 months total since i left my last steady job in 2006 and have had to leave everywhere i was employed since due to my anxiety. I'm still technically on Jobseeker payments, but i intend to get re-assessed when the covid crisis is over.

My biggest problem is that I've been forced to live with my parents. As a result i spend 95% of my time in a 3m by 3m room. It's not an abusive situation or anything of that nature, but i control nothing outside of this room. I haven't been able to cook anything more complex than eggs on toast in all the time i've been here for example. I feel stifled and want to get my own place, but at 600 dollars a fortnight or even 900 if i qualify for the DSP later, even the cheapest rentals would leave me with little to nothing to buy food or pay for utilities.

I was hoping I could register with Housing SA to maybe get something suitable. I can't live with strangers and i have no friends i could live with. Is it possible to get some sort of housing through them for just 1 person whose income is this limited? How much rent do they actually charge? I've tried reading their webpage, but there's not much info there. I was wondering if anyone knew anything more so that i dont waste my time registering if they cant really do anything for me. I don't need any other assistance from them, i can do my own washing and buy my own groceries if i dont have to use public transport, etc.

1 Reply 1

Just Sara
Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Quivz!

I'm sorry about your situation. It's difficult when the priority's your mental health and everything that stems from it hey.

I'm in NSW, but most states have similar govt housing policies I believe. The only way to know exactly what's going on is to visit their office for a face to face consult. I hope you're up to it.

We're experiencing a huge govt sell-off of housing here so there's only a few places on the books and a massive waiting list. Most people are directed to non govt organisations to find accommodation. You still receive a subsidy, but the places are usually private.

That's why it's important to visit them yourself as your state may be quite different. The other option is to speak with a social worker through Centrelink; they can sometimes have a bit of clout in these matters.

You'll be guided through each stage, so please don't worry. There may also be housing programs for people with MH issues. There's some places near the coast but unfortunately it means living with other people.

In my town there's a retirement facility that has begun taking in residents with MH problems. They provide a nice self contained one bedroom unit with a small kitchen and little courtyard. Your local area may have something similar if you scout around.

Another option is the mental health hotline in your state. If you call they might provide you with some resources people don't know about.

I'm sorry this is all I can tell you atm. I'm assuming you have a good response plan in place and can cope with dealings of this nature. I'm sure your family could help out with travel and maybe accompanying you to each appt if you need support.

I hope all goes well...

Kind thoughts;
