
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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cathyxd7 social anxiety even around friends and family
  • replies: 2

Hi, I'm new to this site but i thought i'd reach out to see if anyone feels the same/has any advice. I'm 16, and i've been struggling with social anxiety for about 4 years now. Every social situation, no matter if it is with people i consider my clos... View more

Hi, I'm new to this site but i thought i'd reach out to see if anyone feels the same/has any advice. I'm 16, and i've been struggling with social anxiety for about 4 years now. Every social situation, no matter if it is with people i consider my closest friends/distant family seems to trigger me and send me spiralling into anxiety. e.g. tonight we have some of our cousins over (one of them a boy my age) and my chest has felt tight, worries have consumed me for the last two days and i just cant seem to focus on anything else. i don't want my symptoms to control my every action. when i go on forums like this most people talk about their anxiety when they meet new people- wondering if there's anyone out there who gets extremely triggered by social situations w/ friends or family? Thanks, wishing you all love and support ~

tesla88 Workplace situation anxiety
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In 2019 I was hospitalised with severe anxiety after I was severely micromanaged and bullied by an manager placed in charge of my team. This bullying includes thing such as: Putting pressure on to do tasks that do not align with organisation policies... View more

In 2019 I was hospitalised with severe anxiety after I was severely micromanaged and bullied by an manager placed in charge of my team. This bullying includes thing such as: Putting pressure on to do tasks that do not align with organisation policies Constant pressure to give access to systems this manager is not meant to access Derogatory and incorrect comments in relation to work performance Not correctly reflecting the great work the team do to senior staff of the organisation. Constant pressure to do work not within our roles At that time this manager was to move into my office at the worksite. The boss of the organization then removed this person as our manager. The same Boss has now indicated she would like to move this same person back into our office again. Is there any laws/systems in place as to when a person with a known Mental Health disorder to prevent such bullying happening again and the same result of hospitalization? The organization has many other managers that can manage our team, and we have not had this problem with other managers.

Frei unable to sign probate documents - a legal alternative?
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After abuse at a NSW infants school when 5-6 years of age, I developed anxiety. My condition led me to leave Australia. I last saw my wonderful Mum in 2004. We telephoned often and I was lucky we had a great chat on Mother’s Day last year, just befor... View more

After abuse at a NSW infants school when 5-6 years of age, I developed anxiety. My condition led me to leave Australia. I last saw my wonderful Mum in 2004. We telephoned often and I was lucky we had a great chat on Mother’s Day last year, just before she died on my birthday a few days later. The care home where Mum was said they could organise skype for us but never did. Nor did I get information as to what caused Mum’s sudden shock deterioration. Now I have to sign probate documents but I have explained several times to my solicitor, that I cannot touch anything from Australia, especially from where I grew up. As I wrote: ‘Thank you for your email with the probate documents. Sorry again for my anxiety disorder being a problem, but the mere suggestion of receiving physical mail from Australia sent me into another panic attack last week. Hence the delay in replying. Even if it means more time and probably cost, can I print the documents out here and have my signature witnessed and then send them back to you? Just getting a notary to help will be a challenge, as again, my need to feel 'safe' away from Australia means I don't want HDC being able to see the contact details of the legal office I usually use. The Australian Embassy here has absolutely no interest in helping me, so I will need time to find a notary. I hope you can understand my situation, even if it sounds completely crazy.’ Then I received the following e-mail. 'Unfortunately you are required to have the copies of the death certificate and will certified, which requires that whoever certifies these documents see the originals. This means that we will need to post the original will and death certificate, and it is not possible to simply provide soft copies as I had originally thought. Unfortunately I do not see a way around this requirement. I understand your reluctance to provide an address, but perhaps the documents can be sent to someone you know and trust?' So again, my problem is not understood. Isn’t there a way for someone I elect as a power of attorney to sign the documents for me? I may not be physically incapacitated but mentally I am. I have finally made it back to being able to work, though my crazy routine at my apartment door saw me terrorised my the woman opposite, who photographed and reported me and so the police were involved. With corona, I lost my job but if I can just get this issue of signing these documents dealt with, I can really move on with my life again. Thank you.

Speechless 38 going on 40 no kids
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I have anxiety of nonstop thoughts and feelings about turning 40 and its been quite painful for me. I have always dreamed of having children and having a partner that is able to help support this dream. But ive lived a life of mental illness of socia... View more

I have anxiety of nonstop thoughts and feelings about turning 40 and its been quite painful for me. I have always dreamed of having children and having a partner that is able to help support this dream. But ive lived a life of mental illness of social phobia and anxiety and its been alot of periods of isolating myself from society over the years. But a 5 years ago that changed and i got very well and was active in the community until i started going out with a person that has schizophrenia and my anxiety took a toll on me and i got adrenal fatigue and got obese from all the stress involved. I have always lived at home with my parents. We live on acres in a picturesque location and i basically have a duty of care for my aging parents esp my half deaf mother who has always had deafness as her disability. But i dream of having a child and having a place of my own esp a place in a rural setting like home. I dont have enough money to support a child and i dont have a partner that is able to support me and a child and i cant talk about this to anyone much as i feel like im not worthy of it. Like my life is chosen by others for them. Independence has always been hard for me. Once was a distant dream is suddenly a do or dont do repercussion anxiety. i really want to be able to forge ahead and push my way out of codependences around me and get healthy again, get out in the community and meet new people and get a job again. But covid 19 has seemed to put a damper on that and also my partner that is very ill with schizophrenia cannot understand his severe limitations and what that means to my life. He has brain impairments that sees things impulsively and emotionally for him but not understanding or planning or able to think about details. He just cannot do and he has no money or anything. How can i stop my mind spiraling out of this anxiety about my near future esp during this time? It gets really painful esp seeing people with kids on the tv and everywhere. Its like another painful part of my life i missed out on.

Quivz Anyone have any experience with Housing SA?
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I've suffered from anxiety for the last 8 years or so. Actually i've suffered most of my life, but i was diagnosed about 8 years ago. Despite treatment i have not improved. I haven't been employed since 2012. I was assessed as being capable of more t... View more

I've suffered from anxiety for the last 8 years or so. Actually i've suffered most of my life, but i was diagnosed about 8 years ago. Despite treatment i have not improved. I haven't been employed since 2012. I was assessed as being capable of more than 15 hours a week of work, but i can't work with other people and so i can really only work from home. I have not been able to find anything. I have been employed about 6 months total since i left my last steady job in 2006 and have had to leave everywhere i was employed since due to my anxiety. I'm still technically on Jobseeker payments, but i intend to get re-assessed when the covid crisis is over. My biggest problem is that I've been forced to live with my parents. As a result i spend 95% of my time in a 3m by 3m room. It's not an abusive situation or anything of that nature, but i control nothing outside of this room. I haven't been able to cook anything more complex than eggs on toast in all the time i've been here for example. I feel stifled and want to get my own place, but at 600 dollars a fortnight or even 900 if i qualify for the DSP later, even the cheapest rentals would leave me with little to nothing to buy food or pay for utilities. I was hoping I could register with Housing SA to maybe get something suitable. I can't live with strangers and i have no friends i could live with. Is it possible to get some sort of housing through them for just 1 person whose income is this limited? How much rent do they actually charge? I've tried reading their webpage, but there's not much info there. I was wondering if anyone knew anything more so that i dont waste my time registering if they cant really do anything for me. I don't need any other assistance from them, i can do my own washing and buy my own groceries if i dont have to use public transport, etc.

TJ21 Blushing
  • replies: 6

Hi Everyone, I'm sure I posted this thread last night however I can't find it! I have been having issues with social anxiety and blushing all of my life. I will primarily blush in a work situation, or if something surprises me - bumping into people, ... View more

Hi Everyone, I'm sure I posted this thread last night however I can't find it! I have been having issues with social anxiety and blushing all of my life. I will primarily blush in a work situation, or if something surprises me - bumping into people, surprise visits etc. I can usually be quite confident in certain situations, however the blushing is really becoming too much for me now. My chest and neck will go very blotchy and my face will almost go purple. Obviously I have made myself think that it's probably worse than it is, but I don't know how to overcome this! All I want to do is leave my administration job and do something in marketing or events, but I refuse to go to interviews at risk of blushing. It's even gone far enough for me to have mini panic attacks in work meetings where my whole body will tingle and I won't be able to speak. I believe it all comes down to the blushing. Has anyone overcome this? I have tried beta blockers and xanax with no relief, and I don't really want to become dependent on drugs. I have also started subliminal messages but not sure if it has helped. Let me know... thanks.

Jas346 Chronic hyperventilating
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How to ease chronic hyperventilating from constant stress

How to ease chronic hyperventilating from constant stress

Gogitto Constant Fear chest pain 24/7
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Hi everyone, Im 24 years old and I am new to the forums. I am writing today as I would like to get some advice about how to cope with how I’m feeling. About one week ago, I had a bad batch of intrusive thoughts about hurting a friend. Since then, I h... View more

Hi everyone, Im 24 years old and I am new to the forums. I am writing today as I would like to get some advice about how to cope with how I’m feeling. About one week ago, I had a bad batch of intrusive thoughts about hurting a friend. Since then, I have had an ongoing and severely painful chest pain, similar to the chest pain you feel during a panic attack but its constant 24/7. I have tried many things like staying positive, telling myself it will be ok, trying to remain calm but the fear and pain will not turn off. It has made me physically sick to the point that i got to throw up when I eat, my body goes weak and I get hot flushes and shakes. This has now caused my old intrusive thoughts i used to suffer about suicide to resurface as I have a very bad fear of dying after having lost my dad 5 years ago to a heart attack and so my intrusive thoughts twist this into mind games. I had been on my medication for a month before this happened and have started on them once again after seeing my local doctor as he said it would be best, especially since he checked me over and said my physical health was normal. I am currently on a waiting list to get back into therapy, so I thought I would come here in the meantime to get some advice as I’m so scared that these chest pains won’t go away as I physically cannot function right now and am even too scared to leave my home. I just want the pain to stop so I can start to continue working on healing my complex grief. Thanks for listening.

zeldadiana please share opinions on medication
  • replies: 3

i have been struggling lately with what i feel is anxiety and depression, i get very agitated and i’m not very motivated anymore.. i’m constantly tired i don’t want to move or make effort to make myself better. but last night and more frequently i’m ... View more

i have been struggling lately with what i feel is anxiety and depression, i get very agitated and i’m not very motivated anymore.. i’m constantly tired i don’t want to move or make effort to make myself better. but last night and more frequently i’m finding myself just crying on the floor jjst thinking and dwelling about everything and even having suicidal thoughts, feeling worthless and like a terrible daughter / girlfriend / friend to everybody around me, i don’t even do terrible things to anybody but i still feel selfish for the smallest things for example not eating dinner that someone cooks for me when i’m not hungry. i feel ungrateful? . physically? i get severe heart palpitations and i feel like i’m going to die of a heart attack. i immediately feel tired and dizzy afterwards , i have spoken to my GP and they reccomeded a phsycologist , which i have been seeing, and medication.. can anybody please tell me if medication truly helps and if anybody has found it to be life changing. i have been dealing with episodes of depression and anxiety my whole life and i’m ready to accept that my condition can not be helped on my own, i do need more help.. my boyfriend suggested this website to me so here i am , please all i ask for us advice on medication before i make the decision and commitment to taking them probably for the rest of my life.

NotYetEffulgent Paranoid anxiety
  • replies: 3

Hi there! I’m feeling really stuck right now and super stressed about the future. I’m sure I’m not the only one, but since the virus I keep having these intense moments of paranoia. I keep thinking that I hear voices behind me and get the feeling the... View more

Hi there! I’m feeling really stuck right now and super stressed about the future. I’m sure I’m not the only one, but since the virus I keep having these intense moments of paranoia. I keep thinking that I hear voices behind me and get the feeling there’s someone behind me all the time. I keep thinking my phone is ringing even though it’s not. I even wake up in the night believing that it’s ringing. I’ve also been lashing out at people simply because I get the feeling their out to get me even when their not. I just can’t seem to trust anything or anyone. It’s almost as though life is just a fake hologram right now, things just don’t seem real. I could swear the walls in my room have shrunk 2 feet. Since about November last year life has stagnated completely for me and my mind has been slowly drifting, falling into a spiral of procrastination and disassociation. I’m not sure what I can do to reconnect with reality again. This paranoid state I’m entering into is quite frightening. I’ve never been a violent person before, but these feelings are causing me to lash out in a way that I’m not proud of or comfortable with. I’m not sure how to bring myself under control during one of these paranoid anxiety attacks if we can call them that. Is anyone else experiencing paranoid thoughts at this time? Or dealt with similar?