
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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SarahSarah44 Particular Person Causing my panic attacks
  • replies: 1

I was wondering whats some ways people have healthy gotten over being able to accept/ move past a person who is their trigger? I have this one girl in my life that has followed me from my last relationship to my new one that sets me off Bit of a back... View more

I was wondering whats some ways people have healthy gotten over being able to accept/ move past a person who is their trigger? I have this one girl in my life that has followed me from my last relationship to my new one that sets me off Bit of a backstory My first boyfriend and I dated on and off for 5 years, (he was always the one to break it off and I really should not of gotten back together with him) anyway he had a group of friends that weren't really my people, they would complain that I was too shy and congratulate me if I was more social on a particular occasion. Anyway, our second last break up, one of his female friends was talking to me as he was on his way home to break up with me and pretty much had me spill all my emotions about it to her and then she never replied... next message I got was a snap chat from her of the girl he left me for dancing with his dad at his 21st. maybe two weeks after we broke up She would post about him and her all of socials, knew then are there not to trust her again When I got back together with him, seeing her made me feel sick and my heart would race and I didn't know it then, but almost have a panic attack. So I would attend anything she would be at. Then we broke up again all good I moved on... started seeing a Psychologist once a week and really rebuild my confidence, joined a soccer team, made some wonderful friends and was really happy and such a good place. Then I connected with my new/current boyfriend, he's wonderful and we were friends first, so me and his really close friends already knew each other and have our own mini friendships before him well now that horrible girl is sleeping with my boyfriends twin brother...(she broke up his 6 year relationship to get there too) and she's at the house alot (pre covid) every time I see her I have a panic attack, my boyfriends family mentions her my stomach drops and I feel the need to vomit My boyfriend is amazing about it and doesn't want her apart of his family (because of the breaking of the brothers relationship and my history with her) But I don't want his family to have to pick, I don't want my boyfriend to have to pick and I don't want to be anywhere around her and I don't want her in my life Only thing thats been crossing my mind lately is to break up with my boyfriend, but I really love him and don't want to break my heart or his Was hoping you guys have ways for me to overcome this, to not feel small and scared when I see her or hear her name

KK7 Medication
  • replies: 6

Hi everyone, I was put on medication which made my anxiety worse, I couldn’t sleep felt jittery and had really bad night mares, I just wanted some advice on how to get past the nightmares. They felt so real and can ruin my day when I have a flash bac... View more

Hi everyone, I was put on medication which made my anxiety worse, I couldn’t sleep felt jittery and had really bad night mares, I just wanted some advice on how to get past the nightmares. They felt so real and can ruin my day when I have a flash back please tell me if anyone else has had this? I have a mental health lady ringing me everyday to help but I’m just sitting here crying as it has just ruined my whole day. thank you!

J007 New city, new job, new team - all in lockdown. Help!
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Hi everyone. What a huge relief to find these threads and online communities. It’s almost too good to be true. I moved to a New city, started a new job, am trying to gel with a new team all while dealing with ptsd and anxiety from the bushfires (my h... View more

Hi everyone. What a huge relief to find these threads and online communities. It’s almost too good to be true. I moved to a New city, started a new job, am trying to gel with a new team all while dealing with ptsd and anxiety from the bushfires (my house was damaged and my father almost died in 2003 Canberra fires) and on top of it all BOOM - pandemic. Oh my goodness it’s all so much and it’s really hard to control my anxiety. Any tips on how to gel with a new team and new job online or how to settle in while all this is going on would be so appreciated.

macfan6 Australia is moving into stage 2. But am I ready?
  • replies: 10

Hi, My name is Kimberley, I'm 35. I live with my husband and son who is 4. My biggest worry with the coronavirus, is that I haven't been able to see my parents for two months. Now that Australia is slowly moving into stage 2 (as you know) we will soo... View more

Hi, My name is Kimberley, I'm 35. I live with my husband and son who is 4. My biggest worry with the coronavirus, is that I haven't been able to see my parents for two months. Now that Australia is slowly moving into stage 2 (as you know) we will soon be allowed to see friends and family and vice versa. But with not seeing my parents for so long, I feel anxious about the next step. How do we get back to normal with seeing each other again? They are in their 60's, and see themselves as high risk for coronavirus. I'm not even sure if they feel safe to see my family again. And I'm scared to ask.

Hullywood86 NEW parents, I think new MUM has anxiety
  • replies: 1

Gday all, looking for some peer experience/advice in helping a new mum (baby is still in her tummy) get to a professional for help around anxiety and catastrophising. I work in male dominated industries and i am a fixer, i dont know how to fix this. ... View more

Gday all, looking for some peer experience/advice in helping a new mum (baby is still in her tummy) get to a professional for help around anxiety and catastrophising. I work in male dominated industries and i am a fixer, i dont know how to fix this. I need some advice/language in helping my new baby mumma realise she has anxiety and she needs to speak to someone about it. cheers.

AussieWoman My Anxiety Has Been Bad
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Hi everyone, I have been feeling really anxious ever since my younger twin brother was rushed to the hospital a few days ago. He was diagnosed with an infection in his bowel which was treated and he has since been released. But I've been really anxio... View more

Hi everyone, I have been feeling really anxious ever since my younger twin brother was rushed to the hospital a few days ago. He was diagnosed with an infection in his bowel which was treated and he has since been released. But I've been really anxious in the days following and I can't seem to sleep very well lately either. I'm also constantly thinking about the fact that I haven't had any friends since the age of 16 and how I might not ever have friends in the future because I get so anxious in social situations that it feels so crippling. I see others my age having social lives but I don't. I feel like such a failure and I don't know how to stop feeling the way that I do. It's really getting me down, I feel like I should have had a full-time job, been in a relationship (had a boyfriend), and had made friends by now but because of mental health issues, I haven't been able too. It has been really hard, I have seen a psychiatrist on May 4th which was also the first time I admitted to someone about not having friends/relationship and I can't seem to get it out of my head now. I feel really unaccomplished and I'm worried that I might never have the things I want in life. I have never felt this anxious before, not even when I was first diagnosed. The worst part is that in the Welcome and Orientation where I first made a post I was really optimistic that things would change and now I'm in a funk and don't know how to get out of it. I have spoken to my family but I still feel really low. Any advice any of you have or reassurance that things will get better will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for listening to me and I hope I begin to feel better. Covid-19 has definitely brought out the worst in my mental health and I think it might be a good thing too. At least now I know what the problems are but I will need help in figuring out how to overcome them.

Macbook Relationship anxiety
  • replies: 2

I struggle with anxiety regularly but manage to keep it at bay most of the time. However my anxiety always surfaces in certain situations around my relationship. I’ve been with my partner for 2 years now and we live together. He has never been outwar... View more

I struggle with anxiety regularly but manage to keep it at bay most of the time. However my anxiety always surfaces in certain situations around my relationship. I’ve been with my partner for 2 years now and we live together. He has never been outwardly romantic and has never done any romantic gestures for me. I try to tell myself that he’s romantic with the little things in what he says and at home, but I can’t help being annoyed that he doesn’t do more actions to be romantic. I have spoken to him about this but nothing changes. When he chooses his day off to hang out with friends, my anxiety builds as I don’t see why he doesn’t want to spend that time with me. We live together so in his mind we are spending time together all the time. But I want to experience more things outside of home. I struggle knowing whether it is my anxiety that is making me think I should break up or whether it real. how do we know when our feelings are real or it’s just anxiety playing tricks on us?

LisaGood Returning to school as a teacher
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Im anxious about returning to school as a teacher of young students. How do I protect my self and fellow staff from the anxiety due to changes to social norms. No high fives, avoiding people in the corridor, feeling like every one may be a threat to ... View more

Im anxious about returning to school as a teacher of young students. How do I protect my self and fellow staff from the anxiety due to changes to social norms. No high fives, avoiding people in the corridor, feeling like every one may be a threat to myself of students?

corrdiorofdreams I feel anxious and guilty for standing up for myself
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I run my own business. I've been going above and beyond on a client project for 3 months. Yesterday I was let go 4 days before the end of the project with no notice. I told the client contact that I was disappointed by their behaviour as I could have... View more

I run my own business. I've been going above and beyond on a client project for 3 months. Yesterday I was let go 4 days before the end of the project with no notice. I told the client contact that I was disappointed by their behaviour as I could have filled in that time with other work if I'd known. I know that was a reasonable thing to complain about but I was treated as though I was being a drama queen. The client contact just said something to the effect of 'I'm just the middle man, these are shit times, and here are all 50399978 problems too!' so it just turned into a guilt trip and how none of it was their fault. It's got me really knotted up inside... not because of the money (that's not urgent) but because right now is a shit time, and it's really disappointing to see people treating people without common decency. I should mention this business operates in the mental health field, especially supporting people through uncertainty, so it borders on being unethical. I'm kind of proud that I stood up for myself as this is not easy for me to do. However, it's given me so much anxiety to have ended things on bad terms. I didn't want it to be taken personally, but I wanted to point out the unprofessionalism and lack of ethics. I've tried to talk about this to my partner but he keeps saying 'well, you should have done XYZ before it happened.' That's just not very helpful for the now though. I just need to move past the knot in my stomach feeling. How can I do this?

MichaelJo What are the best books for you to deal with anxiety?
  • replies: 3

Hi. Lately, I started noticing that reading have had a great impact on my anxiety. I am much calmer and optimistic now. The last book a read was a great one named: Worry Free LIfe: 15 quick lessons on How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear That can Change ... View more

Hi. Lately, I started noticing that reading have had a great impact on my anxiety. I am much calmer and optimistic now. The last book a read was a great one named: Worry Free LIfe: 15 quick lessons on How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear That can Change Your Life by Marcos Lima. This book came with a course that really helped me to stop my panic attacks. I think everyone should have a look at it. I found it on Amazon What about you? What are the best books that you guys read to overcome anxiety and how it has helped improve your lives?