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anxious about war

Community Member
War is one of my triggers and all this Ukraine is stuff is sending me spiralling. I HATE IT. I wish the world could just be peaceful. After the last two years of covid and now this, i just can't take it. Feel so overwhelmed at the moment. Feel sick all the time. Worried about my son's future. I don't understand why this is going on now when you would think the human race would be over this crap by now. Covid seemed to bring people together and now its just fallen apart. I just want my son to grow up in peace.
28 Replies 28

Hi Bookgirl

Coping about pending/actual war?

You can talk to yourself a bit, really. I tell myself a lot of things even out loud (first sign of insanity they say lol) but fact is, we humans have had wars from year dot, so it isnt going to stop.

Your fears are valid however. A short story. I once saw a video of a professor Dr Gray of Sydney addressing parents of ADHD children- "where does ADHD come from? well, as cavemen we worried so much about our family being attacked or our food stolen that we were like canaries always trying to be ultra alert, that led to ADHD as we know it but only in some people and mainly men".

So fear, worry, alertness to conflict, develops more in some than others. This is why you wonder how others like your hubby dont worry. Your worry is no different than worry itself on othe rtopics, except yours is specific. The word "war" can make our hair on our necks stand up, it's seriously a horrific topic to think about. But you appear not to have it in perspective.

In 1987 I fought a local council I worked for on a topic of mini corruption. They favoured a local state politician. So I was required to learn how to stop catastrophising issues. In the end I lost my job over a few dollars of fines. Sure, I'm proud I fought the employer and their mates but in the end that stance took away my ability to feed my family. I'm not saying I would not do the same thing again, I would just carry out my stance differently and hold nil respect for those top cats.


My main issue is that i can't see a future. i was a kid in the 80s and was scared to death of nuclear war. When super powers are involved there is always that chance it could happen and i am terrified for my son and my family. Everyone says it can't happen but it could if things got out of control. i just want every thing to go back to how it was pre covid. We didn't seem to have these issues (or they weren't as obvious). Then we got a plague and everything went to hell. Covid brought people together for a while and now this.

Hi Bookgirl,

I found this link on the Reach Out website. Maybe you will find something useful for yourself?


I wonder if you have heard or someone has suggested to you working on the acceptance of your negative thoughts? Accepting their existence, accepting the fact that your brain produces them and that at the end of the day, they are exactly this: products of our brains. It doesn’t mean that they are true or will happen.

The next step is working on releasing those negative thoughts so they don’t oppress you leading to emotional upheavals. ACT has some great strategies. Meditation is also very helpful. You might need some professional guidance at first though, as it’s not an easy task to stop the speeding train of negative thoughts.

Take care there.

I have tried this before but i get in a rut and forget about how to deal with stuff so will try again. Made it into work today at least. No social media or any media and trying to completely detox. I meditate every night and it does help. Thanks for caring. I appreciate it.

feel awful given the news today. I guess what will be will be. Don't have high hopes for anything good. I hate this world.

No problem at all Bookgirl, if anything helps you, that's great. If not, at least you will try. You can't lose anything by giving it a go.

I think your words about today's news really sum them up: what will be, will be.

Hang in there.

Hey Bookgirl,

Thank you for checking in. We’re sorry you’re feeling like this, we can imagine things are pretty tough right now. We just wanted to pop in and let you know that we’re here and you’re welcome to call us, anytime you’re feeling distressed or overwhelmed, our mental health professionals are available 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or via online chat and email.

We’ve also put together some tips for taking care of yourself after a major news event here.

Thanks again for sharing here, Bookgirl. We hope the kind words of the lovely community are a bit of comfort.

Kind regards,

Sophie M

Community Champion
Community Champion


I have been reading the news on other sites (vs watching tv) and it is still depressing.

not sure of you heard of the serenity prayer -

grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

and wisdom to know the difference

We can only hope that cooler heads prevail at this time. Sitting with you.

Hi Bookgirl,

I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling this way. I know how hard you have been trying to cope and the news and everything that's been going on can make things incredibly challenging.

I have found comfort in this quote, I hope it helps you 'may I find the strength I need when I am faced with the things I can not control'. When we spiral it can be so hard to come out of it. Sometimes I will focus on one quote that helps me and try to really focus in on it and try to 'pull out of it'.

In saying this I completely her you, your fears during the 80s and with everything happening now, I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I'm so glad you are reaching out to these forums. It might be an idea to call the helplines when you are feeling especially overwhelmed (Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.)

We are here for you