
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Petal22 OCD Taboo Thoughts Perinatal
  • replies: 2

I want to start this thread to speak out so that other mothers who may be experiencing what I experienced after child birth can have the confidence to step forward and seek the help they need to recover…… Please don’t suffer in silence…. you CAN get ... View more

I want to start this thread to speak out so that other mothers who may be experiencing what I experienced after child birth can have the confidence to step forward and seek the help they need to recover…… Please don’t suffer in silence…. you CAN get better…….. I understand that these thoughts seem taboo to the sufferer but for you to recover you need to open up to our professionals so they can help you. Life really can get so much better for you. In my experience after child birth for a time that should have been full of joy and happiness I was engulfed with horrible intrusive thoughts about my babies. The same thing happened in both of my pregnancies. These intrusive thoughts terrified me, I loved my babies with all of my heart and soul and I would have done anything to protect them. Having these thoughts felt so foreign to me. I would do anything to avoid these thoughts but they just kept coming causing me to have severe anxiety. I was highly distressed by these thoughts. I knew I needed to seek professional help… starting from my gp through to a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist I also did a 8 week group therapy. I was diagnosed with Perinatal Anxiety and also Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I had an anxiety disorder and it was a disorder that could be treated! I have now recovered from this disorder thanks to the help I received from health professionals and life couldn’t be better! I’ve been recovered for 4 and a half years now….. I absolutely love being a mum and my children bring me nothing but joy! I got better…. Our health professionals are here to help us. In some areas there are perinatal clinics that have clinical psychologists and psychiatrists that run out of the same practice they understand these conditions. Please step forward and receive the help you need…. Your not alone

SicMrex Don't know what to do anymore
  • replies: 2

Hello, I have suffered from anxiety for most of my life, was diagnosed with it in 2015 after i had a breakdown after my father passed away from cancer. My doctor put me on medication, which helped for a while. As a child is was bullied from the age o... View more

Hello, I have suffered from anxiety for most of my life, was diagnosed with it in 2015 after i had a breakdown after my father passed away from cancer. My doctor put me on medication, which helped for a while. As a child is was bullied from the age of 4 until my early 20's. Which was a mixer of verbal and physical, during and after school. I was always a loner, with no friends and still am today. But loved going to the park with my dog, kicking the footy or playing basketball. One day in 1997 while playing basketball, this group of guys asked my too join in. This went on for several weeks, when one of the guys asked me to go a party with them. We all became friends for several years and I final thought my life was looking up. Then one night, one of them accused me of saying bad things about his sister, which I didn't do and never would. He and others attacked me. While laughing and joking that they never friends with me. I had concussion for about a week. I still get flash backs now and that was over 20 years ago. So after that I hated leaving the house, would never go out on my own, which I still struggle with today and I'm 45 now. So I started going too the footy with my sister in 2000. Which I took as a huge step for me, which we still do today, also with other family. I was starting to get to somewhat my old self, went last year in August my mother passed away, who through all of what had happened was my best friend. So I am back too thinking of all the bad things that have happened to me, forgetting all the good times. Questioning what the point of life is. In my opinion life is a complete waste of time. My family try to help me, but don't understand what it feels like. If it wasn't for my sister that I live with, I properly wouldn't go to work or sometimes not even be here. So how do I fix this life which is shit. Because I let the toxic people in my life win, through being gutless to do any thing myself to change. Thank you Jaime

Bookgirl anxious about war
  • replies: 28

War is one of my triggers and all this Ukraine is stuff is sending me spiralling. I HATE IT. I wish the world could just be peaceful. After the last two years of covid and now this, i just can't take it. Feel so overwhelmed at the moment. Feel sick a... View more

War is one of my triggers and all this Ukraine is stuff is sending me spiralling. I HATE IT. I wish the world could just be peaceful. After the last two years of covid and now this, i just can't take it. Feel so overwhelmed at the moment. Feel sick all the time. Worried about my son's future. I don't understand why this is going on now when you would think the human race would be over this crap by now. Covid seemed to bring people together and now its just fallen apart. I just want my son to grow up in peace.

WorrierMum Medication for OCD - experiences?
  • replies: 3

Hi everyone, I was in my GP's office today discussing options to treat my OCD. I would class it as mild OCD but it certainly interferes with my day to day functioning. My mind is so preoccupied on intrusive repetitive thoughts (health and kids relate... View more

Hi everyone, I was in my GP's office today discussing options to treat my OCD. I would class it as mild OCD but it certainly interferes with my day to day functioning. My mind is so preoccupied on intrusive repetitive thoughts (health and kids related) that my window of tolerance for putting up with stress is very small. I am impatient with my kids, angry a lot and always feel on edge. My psychologist has been great but she suggested I consider medication. My GP said we could try it for 3 months as a trial. What have been your experiences with an SSRI for OCD/anxiety? I'm hoping people have had some positive outcomes and it's helped them into remission from their OCD? If I do take the medication I will continue with talk therapy with my psychologist and an online CBT course at the same time. Thanks

Gg12 Feel like 8m going crazy
  • replies: 1

I suffer from anxiety and depression after a work incident a few years ago. I thought I overcome it and I was doing well. Now I struggle to leave the house and fidgeting when I have to do shopping. I had a panic attack doing the groceries. I can't ex... View more

I suffer from anxiety and depression after a work incident a few years ago. I thought I overcome it and I was doing well. Now I struggle to leave the house and fidgeting when I have to do shopping. I had a panic attack doing the groceries. I can't explain it but I'm constantly anxious I talk myself out of leaving the house. I don't have anyone to talk to about this who would actually understand, just feeling so lost

zippedzipp Separation Anxiety from my Cat
  • replies: 4

I got a kitten in October last year. She's become my best friend and I love her dearly! I'm home a lot (I get social anxiety so I rarely leave the house) so I'm with her constantly and we enjoy each others company. Next week however I'm going on a sh... View more

I got a kitten in October last year. She's become my best friend and I love her dearly! I'm home a lot (I get social anxiety so I rarely leave the house) so I'm with her constantly and we enjoy each others company. Next week however I'm going on a short holiday (4 days). It'll be the longest time I've left her (only time, actually). My brother is house sitting and will look after her, but I can't help but worry. I'm getting really scared that something is going to happen to her while I'm away and I feel like I'm going to miss her too much! I'm not sure if I'll even be able to relax and enjoy my holiday because I'll be worrying about her all the time. I'm only 22 and I realise that there'll be many more times where I'll be travelling during my cats lifetime. I'm hoping it's just this hard now because it's the first time I'll be away from her. Hopefully I won't always be this way... I want to be able to enjoy my life and have holidays and trust whoever will look after her, but I sort of feel like I can't. How can I put my mind at ease? Has anyone else felt this way about leaving their pets for a holiday? And does it ever get easier?

Mina19 Anxiety weight loss??
  • replies: 6

Hi people, since I think early January I’ve been loosing weight. I’ve done a full blood test and it came back totally fine, just a few vitamins were a little low. My doctor knows I have a history of severe anxiety, a bit of depression and PTSD and sa... View more

Hi people, since I think early January I’ve been loosing weight. I’ve done a full blood test and it came back totally fine, just a few vitamins were a little low. My doctor knows I have a history of severe anxiety, a bit of depression and PTSD and said if the bloods were normal he’s really thinking it’s because of my mental health and maybe I’m not eating as much as normal from stress. Even my mum and dad has said you don’t seem like you’re eating much like you have a small meal and that’s it. Like I’m not trying to eat less, I’m thinking it’s just happening like I’m not hungry because I’m worried sort of thing. I do remember also in early January when I think this kind of started I had an encounter with a violent family member who I rarely see and they were being extremely mentally abusive to me at the time and it literally made me very scared. I don’t know, I’m just wanting to get some advice, things have been so hard with my anxiety and it always makes me worried too like what if I have some kind of disease or illness. Sorry for the long post and thanks for reading.

Mershy Anxiety Group sessions
  • replies: 2

Hello, I’m new to this and would like to know if there are online group sessions that discuss anxiety. I recently attended an online Zoom session at another service and found it really helpful, but they only do them once a month. I was wondering if t... View more

Hello, I’m new to this and would like to know if there are online group sessions that discuss anxiety. I recently attended an online Zoom session at another service and found it really helpful, but they only do them once a month. I was wondering if this service offers the same thing. Kind Regards, Michelle

MedievalMelody Social Issues
  • replies: 3

Hey! I'm new to this forum but have visited the beyond blue website quite a lot through the past years. I've suffered from GAD and OCD since I was eight, and now moving into year 7 things have just seemed to decline right after they started improving... View more

Hey! I'm new to this forum but have visited the beyond blue website quite a lot through the past years. I've suffered from GAD and OCD since I was eight, and now moving into year 7 things have just seemed to decline right after they started improving, and I've been finding it difficult to sustain healthy friendships. I was extremely excited for highschool, but began to get sick of it within the first week.i came to my highschool unaccompanied by any of my primary school friends, so I was completely on my own. By the second week, I had made a few friends but moved on from them as I realised I didn't really like them (we just weren't the right types of people for eachother if you know what I mean). I began to hate every boring, continuous class and sometimes I wound up on the verge of a panic attack as I just got trapped in my thoughts. I randomly get sharp pains through my body, headaches, rapid heart beat, itchiness or other symptoms which just make me feel uncomfortable. I finally settled in to a friend group and my near anxiety attacks subsided, but then I noticed a problem. You see, I joined a friendship group which was already a trio who really liked eachother. I slowly became friends with them - two of the three really enjoyed my company and I enjoyed theirs so I stayed. But the third person Dislikes me, or at least she acts that way. She tells me that nobody cares when I try to share something, she subtly singles me out and makes me feel unwanted or out of place. She might not mean harm in what she does or says, but it's really upsetting as all I want is to be friends with her. She speaks down to me and makes it clear that she doesn't like me as much as the others. My parents keep telling me to just make new friends but its really not that easy. I know everyone in my home group and these three girls are the only people who can match my energy except for that one girl. Now my anxiety is creeping back again and I have no will to got to school each day. Don't get me wrong, I love school and i love learning. I get good grades and I'm very social. But now I just dread coming to school and it feels like there's nothing to look forward to. Life is like a chore at this point. Sometimes I cant even cry or feel sad and I don't know if it's because I can't feel bothered to or I'm just overreacting. I dont know what's happening. If anyone can give me advice/support I would strongly appreciate it. Thank you and have a lovely day/evening.

Irish68 My mum has out of control anxiety.
  • replies: 5

Hi everyone. I’m at my wit’s end. I’m sure my Mum is suffering from PTSD. She’s in her 80 ‘S & she has had a life filled with sadness, abuse, grief & tragedy. Today, I believe as a result of going through life “ just getting on with it” she’s a compl... View more

Hi everyone. I’m at my wit’s end. I’m sure my Mum is suffering from PTSD. She’s in her 80 ‘S & she has had a life filled with sadness, abuse, grief & tragedy. Today, I believe as a result of going through life “ just getting on with it” she’s a complete mess. She’s on medication for it & I have her and her sister seeing a Geriatrition psychiatrist. Nothing seems to help. Her hearing has deteriorated &, according to her, this is traumatic & makes her unable to be happy ever. Please, can anyone here please help?