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Anxious about love and relationships

Community Member

As part of my recent obsessions, I’ve been looking into different information relating to love and relationships. I’ve never really been in a romantic relationship, mainly because I’ve never put myself out there, but I keep reading through all of this information by multiple people online about the supposed nature of women in relationships.

On one hand, I’ve received information from studies in multiple countries that tend to show that women seem to prefer men with high income, or men that make more money than they do. On the other hand, however, other studies of multiple countries tend to show that more women are marrying into relationships with men who are less educated where they are the primary earners and even providing for them when unemployed. Some studies suggest that this is because they’re compensating for lower income with men of higher social status, but others suggest that women with higher income do have higher socioeconomic status, and that many of them are choosing to marry men from lower social classes.

I’ve also received conflicting information about looks as well, as I’ve read that women prefer to date men taller than them or with a certain face shape, but I’ve also read that their preferences vary over environments and in different countries. There’s apparently hundreds of studies, some of which say different things, and I’ve read through some of them, but there’s so many of them that it’s just too daunting to try and read through all of these studies. I do want to be open minded to new information, but I also don’t want to waste potential hours of my life when I could be doing things I actually enjoy.

Keep in mind that, while a lot of this information comes from academic sources, I usually heard about it from blogs and websites created by people with a certain worldview.

I think the thing that worries me is the implications of some of the negative studies, as I sometimes worry that if I were in a relationship with a woman and I earned less or was less attractive, she wouldn’t really love me as a person.

I’m sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, as I know this isn’t as serious as a lot of the issues others post on this forum, but it’s been weighing on me a lot over the last few years, and especially throughout the last few months.

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Horrendous_Hexapod, you mention the word 'obsessions' in your first sentence and although I'm not a doctor, how do you actually know whether you love someone taller, smaller, earn more or less and all the other different variables, love doesn't come from a book it comes from your heart.

No book can tell you who to love, whatever the studies show, if your eyes meet with another person then you instantly fall in love, does it actually matter whether they are taller than you, no there are no rules in being infatuated with someone and if you say you love another, as per what the book says, they might not feel the same.

If you walk into a room and feel the attention someone is specifically looking at you, then that's when a relationship may be formed.

Now after saying this have you been diagnosed by a doctor.

Best wishes.
