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Anxiety, university, work and independance

Community Member
I am finding it increasingly difficult to cope with work, university and living alone. How do other people cope with anxiety and depression? I am finding that mustering the motivation to do anything is hard. My job is so draining and I don't earn enough money. University lacks support. Sometimes I can't even look after myself.
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Gabstar77,

Thanks for posting, we know it can be hard to do when facing tough times.

I'm sorry to hear you are feeling flat, isolated and that uni isn't supporting you. If you wish to seek structured help for your depression/anxiety, this thread is useful to you in regards to getting structured help (https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/treatments-health-professionals-and-therapie...). This other thread might be helpful with giving you some insight into some positive coping strategies (https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well). We can chat in this thread too.

Let us know how you are travelling,


Community Member

Hi Gabster77,

I am in a similar spot to you. At uni & live alone. It is hard doing it all alone and I commend you for juggling all these things so you can better your life. I don't have any answers for you, but reaching out to others as I did today, helps. Tomorrow I will start a thought diary again and try to incorporate more mindfulness into my day. I did a telephony consult with a counsellor at uni and she took me through a body scan/ muscle relaxation/ mindfulness exercise. I provided me with good relief of the strong anxiety I was feeling with looming deadlines and perfectionism.

I think also getting back to some basics has helped (but is still a work in progress). This includes getting my butt on my bike and getting exercise, good diet (soups), good night sleep (keep to a routine, no study after 11pm).

It's hard, I hope you and I both get there.

Community Member

hey gabstar77 I would like to welcome you to this wonderful online community and I would like to applaud you for your incredible strength and courage in asking for help its something that's takes a lot of strength and its something to be very proud of. I'm really sorry that you are currently going through this truly tough time at the moment. I would recommend that you go to your gp and talk about what you are currently going through and them refer to a qualified professional. I think you need to take time for yourself hang out with friends or family, go for a walk take up some of your hobbies again. everyone in the beyondblue community is here for you 100 percent of your journey and your struggle.

hope all is well in the future

regards josh