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Anxiety over twilight sedation

Community Member


this is my first time posting in this forum so forum, so please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong section. a bit about myself- I have suffered with health anxiety for most of my adulthood which stems from a traumatic birth of my first daughter.

I am having a small procedure done under a twilight sedation soon, I have alot of anxiety over the sedation, can anyone give me some positive insight? and any tips to reduce my anxiety leading up to it. and tips or reassurance would be very much appreciated! Feeling scared!

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Anx187

Welcome and good on you for having the courage to post too!

You are not alone having anxiety feelings prior to having a procedure. I understand your situation as I used to have chronic anxiety and felt anxious in the 30 minutes prior to a procedure

I dont know how many days it is until your procedure....yet over thinking or catastrophising about any event can make our lives miserable prior to sedation...and are unhelpful

Can I ask if you have twilight sedation before? .....Just so I can provide you with a more helpful reply if thats okay

I know that twilight sedation was wonderful when I had my wisdom teeth removed and it was a peaceful and relaxing place to be...(and a lot less powerful than a general anesthetic)

Just a note....your GP would be a great help for you at this time 🙂

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply! The procedure is next Friday! I think they I have had a twilight once before but it was about 15 years ago and I can’t remember it! I know in myself that it will be fine! But the health anxiety of what if takes over! I just don’t like the thought of someone knocking me out! So trying to find ways to deal with the anxiety so I don’t make myself sick with worry.

Hey Anx187

no worries at all 🙂 Im a volunteer on the forums...and happy to reply!

  • First Major positive.......You are having twilight sedation.....This is very very common and a healthy form of sedation too...
  • Can you call or leave a message with your GP? (just to have a talk.....many people also have the same anticipatory anxiety prior to sedation)
  • Did you mean Friday week on the 30th?
  • If your GP agrees....sometimes a mild anti anxiety med can also work wonders too!

you are not alone with these feelings Anx187!
