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Anxiety over partners health. Need a break

Community Member

I'm new here. Waiting till 3 so I can do chat with the counselor....

For the last 6 months my partners health has deteriorated is some ways and gotten better in others. Chronic pancreatitis has gotten better but now there are bouts of excessive tiredness, difficulty staying awake, and difficulty concentrating.

I'm so tired. I've just lost my job. We have 2 young children.

I feel like I'm breaking. And I dont know how to stop it. I need to keep it together for my family but all I want is to break down. I have daily anxiety attacks. I go to sleep anxious. I wake up anxious. Its stopping me from enjoying anything.

No questions I can think of I just needed to get it out

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello Azhure101 and welcome to Beyond Blue forums

I do feel for you Azhure, so much has happened in your life over the past 6 months. It's good you've found your way to the community of caring, friendly, supportive and non judgemental people.

Getting stuff out really helps sometimes doesn't it? I'm assuming you're seeing a counsellor so you can talk through some of the things that you've been going through. Talking with someone does help. So good on you.

Anxiety is debilitating hey? It is manageable and there are lots of resources out there. Let us know if your interested?

Just letting you know we're here for you if you want to do some more ranting. You're not alone Azhure.

Kind regards


Thank you.

It's all been accumulating for years. When my first born was 3 months old was the first bout of illness for my partner. He's now 4 year old. So it's been tough for so long. I've had depression for pretty much as long as I remember.. it got worse when i was a teen. When i was formally diagnosed and medicated. God that was close to 18 years now.. anxiety isn't anything new but the level it's been lately is scary... it's made me see things differently and I've finally decided to take my treatment seriously.. I'm seeing a new psychologist and learning to accept and deal with my issues.

Each day is hard for a different reason..

Anyway thank you for taking the time to reply 🙂

I have cared for my mother who was in a wheelchair & had several serious injuries & illnesses during the 12 years I cared for her. I then had my son experience serious MI which is ongoing although he is now married so not at home. I now care for my husband who has a degenerative condition. Coping with caring for someone particularly when they are very ill can be very stressful.

Caring for yourself is essential but difficult as you are spread so thin & worried about the person you cared for. I have found ringing Carers Australia helpful. They were able to listen to me & understand what I was going through & give me advice which really helped me as a carer.