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Anxiety help.

Community Member

I've been suffering with anxiety for almost 3 years now that I'm sure of and have yet to do anything to help myself except take a few B Complex vitamins and hope it will go away - it never has. 

I've talked to many people online who tell me to 'talk to someone', but everytime I've tried they have shut me down. I'm classified as a 'teenager' and I'll get through it. But I can't do this anymore.

I need help but I live in a small town, I can't afford psychiatrist help, and I don't know how to approach people for help at all. 


2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Laura,7,

Thanks for joining the forums. 3 years dealing with anxiety on your own is a tough ask. I'm glad you've come here to seek some support. Talking to someone is a good idea, I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been listened to previously. This is a good place to talk through your fears and feelings with people who have experienced similar things.

Have you tried the anxiety/depression test on our website? This is a test that your GP can use to assist you with getting the best treatment. You can print the test result out and take it with you. The link is here: http://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/depression/signs-and-symptoms/anxiety-and-depression-checklis...

You say you're classified as a teenager, are you still living with your parents? Have you told them about how you're feeling? 

In terms of services that may be available for you living in a smaller place, you can give our support service a ring on 1300 22 4636 or if you'd prefer to use web chat, you can chat to our counsellors between 4 and 10pm using that: http://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/get-immediate-support

Please stay in touch with us on the forums and let us know how you're going.

Community Member
Naturopathic physicians work while concentrating over the wisdom of nature combined with the rigidity of medical science. Emphasizing over the traditional healing methods and practices natural anxiety treatment  focuses on wide-ranging diagnosis and treatment. Naturopath further aims at minimizing the risk of falling in to the trap of related conditions like depression. The physicians aids in recognizing the body’s intrinsic abilities and in maintaining a balanced mind and soul.