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Anxiety/Depression after coming off the pill?

Community Member

I’m just seeing if there is anyone else out there thats going through the same thing.
Im 24 years old, and have kind of always struggled with mild anxiety and random panic attacks but not that often. Basically, I starting the pill to clear up my skin- I as on it for 3 months, but noticed my anxiety spiked and had a really bad panic attack, probably the worst of my life. So after the first pack (3 months) I thought I would stop for a month and give my body a break and see if anything changed (in regards to my anxiety) A month passed, and there was no real difference. I as still very anxious, more so than ever, and kept breaking out in these panic attacks that were so awful- So I ruled out that it was the pill because nothing changed after a month and assumed it was other factors. So I went back on the pill but another type- I lasted another two months before I could take it no more, and people suggested that it may be the pill and that only coming off it for a month to see if it was that was not long enough and just basically that the pill was not for me. So I jumped off after 2 months on it and it has been 1 month now pill free.

I guess my question is, is this normal? How long does it take for your body (mental state) to regulate back to normal? Should I give it a good 2-3 solid months?
Does anyone think the anxiety and panic attacks spiked because I was so up and down with the pill??
It’s almost unbearable now, because I am just so sick of the feeling. This is most definitely the worst I have ever felt. I’m constantly worrying, always break out crying, and get to a point of feeling sick because I’m so anxious.

Anyone else going through this or have some advice?
5 Replies 5

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi brendaa151

Welcome to the forums! Sorry to hear you're experiencing such an incredibly challenging time.

I'm going back a bit now, in speaking of my experience with the pill but I found it to be a clear-cut trigger for depression, for me personally. I'd lived with depression for a period of time earlier in my life, so I knew the signs and, BAM, there they were. As I say, I'm going back a bit so I can't recall exactly how long it took for me to return to a positive state of mental well-being. Not too long I believe. Have never had the same problem with IUD by the way.

It's worth getting your hormonal situation sussed out. Have a chat with your GP. There might be another contraceptive your GP can suggest that can tick all the boxes in the way of birth control, hormonal issues etc. We're definitely finely tuned creatures, reliant on a lot of chemistry to be sitting at the right levels. Getting some tests done might help you get to the bottom of things.

Take care brendaa151

Hi therising,

Thanks so much for your reply, I really appreciate it.
Yeah I'm looking into seeing someone to possibly get some hormonal testing done. I'm so concerned on felling better I don't even care about the contraception part (I went on it for my skin btw, so I don't even care about breaking out!!) Which is a lot for me to say lol!

Anyway, thank you so much for letting me in on your experience. I have been to see a gp, but I always end up leaving so upset, because they never really listen to me, and I was told there is 'no way' the pill can cause me to feel like this, at all, and was shoved antidepressants in face- which I declined. I was so upset. So if anyone knows of a really good gp but like trained or focused more so in mental health that would be really helpful.

Thanks again therising! 🙂

Brenda x

Hi brendaa151

So glad you're focused on investigating and looking for a more open minded GP, not settling. You know your own body, so follow your instincts - it definitely pays.

Couple of years ago I went to my GP with some pretty frustrating symptoms. Whenever I'd have 'an episode', I'd lose strength down one side of my body and be left with what felt like intense anxiety. GP insisted these were anxiety attacks and wanted to put me on meds but, like you, I wouldn't settle for meds replacing getting to the bottom of things. We argued, with him saying 'We'll talk about the medication next time your come into see me'. Long story short, saw another GP and she sent me for brain MRI. Silent migranes had been causing the episodes. Luckily I was having one in the MRI machine at the time. Problem fixed. Again, you have to trust your instincts.

Might pay to see a female GP who specialises in women's issues. She might be a little more sympathetic to your situation as well as your hormones. Just an idea.

Take care and don't give up Brenda. I hope you find answers!

Community Member
Hi Brenda,

I made an account purely to respond to this message, because it exactly fits my experience. I too recently went on the pill (for protection but also for my skin!) And after a short while noticed myself getting extremely emotional over small things and spikes in my prediagnosed anxiety. I switched to a few different types to see if it would get better before going off of it completely a few months ago.

I do think I'm slightly better now but I still have mood swings occasionally leading to extreme reactions (eg crying) to things that aren't a big deal. I was wondering if you're feeling much better now and if so how long it took you? I'm pretty frustrated with getting so sad.

Thanks so much! ❤️


i too experienced severe depression/anxiety/suicidal thoughts when going on the pill. I was only on for 6 weeks! Nothing else happened in my life that would have contributed to the intensity of the symptoms I felt. I have been off the pill now for 33 days. I experienced intense emotional waves for the first couple weeks and now it has plateaued with slight underlying anxiety in my stomach. I saw a naturopath who has me on a detox and natural supplements for anxiety and I read 'Loving What Is' by Byron Katie which has helped with my anxiety inducing thoughts and beliefs. I eliminated caffeine, sugar and alcohol from my diet to help too. All these things have helped me to the point im at now.

Now, with help from Beyond Blue, the book, the naturopath and my commitment to nutrition and mindful walks everyday, I am on track to recovery, I just know it. Today, I got my period and I was so happy I could cry (nothing new though cos crying has been a daily occurrence lol) but it is a sign my body is turning back on and getting back to normal. I have an appointment with a psych tomorrow as well to ensure I smash these anxiety inducing thoughts and beliefs I have identified through this whole process. This has been hell, not easy but the positive is that I have learned to trust my instincts and fully commit to my health.

If you are reading this scared thinking you will never get back to normal and you can't see a happy future i promise you that it will pass with time. You can only do what you can do in the moment. I couldn't do anything for a while but now I can. So i do. And so will you. Be gentle on yourself, commit to getting well and remember above all this will pass. Thinking it will last for the rest of your life makes it so much worse. You got this.