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Anxiety and Depression

Community Member


I have had Depression and Anxiety for 27 years. I was able to handle it ok for most of that time on antidepressants but after caring for my elderly parents for 15 years and losing my dad 10 years ago. Now my mum is in an aged care home and I am severely anxious and depressed! I wake up feeling nauseous, cold, shaking and stressed. I try to visit mum every day a feel deep depression when I leave her. I have no family support or friends to talk to.

I have an understanding GP who is very good with mental health and he has been great! But even extra medication has failed to stop my anxiety!

I cant get out of bed and avoid social situations most of the time.

is mum the reason I’m so bad?

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion


Welocme to the forum. I can understand how hard it is for you with your mum in aged care and you have know family support. Siting her every day is physically and emotionLly draining so will take a toll on your health.

I am not a doctor so I can’t say why your anxiety has got worse but caring for an elderly parent in an aged care home is hard.

Have you tried listening to calming music, or medication tapes or mindfulness or other ways to help with your anxiety as well as medication?

Is there something you really enjoy doing like art, walking, writing, music or anything that gives you some pleasure? you are spending so much time looking after your mum that you may not be looking after yourself .

If you look at the threads or search about anxiety on the webpages you may find topics that interest you,

I am pleased you have an u derstanding gp who is helping you.

Thanks for sharing your story.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Shebs,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us!

It sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate having to take care of your parents, losing your dad and now having your mum in an aged care home. As well as no friends or family to talk to - it sounds very isolating and I can understand why you’re stressed!

You asked if your mum is the reason why you’re so bad - I’m not sure that I can really answer that one but it does sound like it’s very difficult when you see her given you feel depressed when you leave her. Often depression and anxiety can be situational - so all the things not in your control right now are just making things worse.

Is there something that could be in your control? It sounds like your GP is very understanding - do you think maybe it could help having a therapist to chat too?

Quirky also mentioned different ways of self-care; is this something that you can start to fit in to your day?