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what do I do

Community Member

I feel pretty silly posting on here because i read so many other feeds and it seems like people have real problems to deal with and there's me, I'm 21 and would say fairly well off I have a job, friends and play sport weekly. I guess I would never diagnose myself with anything but for as long as I can remember now its been a struggle to keep myself from giving up completely, I mean I've tried and ended up in hospital and I feel like everyday is pushing me closer to that day again. I just don't know what to do considering I feel like I have no problems in life

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi Sean

Welcome to Beyond Blue and I'm really glad that you posted.  As you say, things "seem" to be ok for you, BUT you know what, I'm guessing strongly that they aren't.  I say this, due to you already having an episode that lodged you into hospital.

For something like that to happen, 'things aren't all rosy'.  You say that it's been a long while that things have been a struggle for you.  I'm guessing you haven't been along to your GP just to get a 'tune up' or just to check out how you might be really travelling.  It does concern me that you've 'tried' once before and that you feel like you're moving towards that dark place again.

And believe me, it doesn't matter that you feel like you have no problems in life ... there's a lot of people out there who suffer from this illness and have seemingly 'good lives' ... depression doesn't discriminate;  it'll take anyone who happens along its path - the mongrel thing.

Could I please recommend that you get yourself along to your GP and just seek out some professional help - and give them detail about what's happened in the past and how you feel you are now.  This is important stuff Sean.

It would be good to hear from you again,
