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new here and need advice please!!!
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I have had anxiety before, but i normally know what sets it off, its never been serious enough to talk to anyone about.
I recently had an reaction to medication (maxolon) and ended up in emergency, it made me have extreme anxiety/derealization thoughts, felt like something was crawling inside my skin. Mum called an ambulance as i was going "crazy". Got to the hospital and they said i was just having an anxiety or panic attack and sent me home...
6 days on from the reaction and I've finally just gotten back into my head from the derealization and i cannot stop crying, extreme anxiety and nauseous and I'm worried I'm starting to get depressed. I also do not want to leave the sight of my mum, i get more anxious even when she leaves the room…?
I went to the mental health doctor yesterday but he didn't tell me much just said i am having anxiety and gave me a breathing exercise to use, he also booked me in to a psychologist(i think) but that is 3 weeks away. i just don't know what else i can do, I'm not able to go to work as I'm too scared that I'm going to have an attack or breakdown plus mum has to go back to work tomorrow so thats scaring me??!! please someone give me something..
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Hi breaza. Hi and welcome to the forums. Having a bad reaction to medication would be scary, then your mental health Dr not taking you seriously just adds to your anxiety. Do you have your own Dr? I would suggest you see him/her straight away, explain what's been going on and have a talk about the bad reaction to the medication. Hopefully your Dr will give you a certificate excusing you from work, he may even try to have you admitted to a hospital to get medication sorted. It sounds as though you weren't monitored or told anything about reactions you may experience. Had you had the particular AD's before or was that the first time? When we are given AD's of any description, usually the prescribing Dr will take the time to discuss what he's giving you, why he's prescribing and possible side reactions. The Dr who prescribed this medication should've made sure you knew what to expect and you should have also been told if a bad reaction happens, cease immediately and return to the Dr. The chemist should also have checked that you were aware of the reactions. Your fear now is totally understandable. You're suspicious, anxious and feeling rather alone except for mum. Are you able to see your Dr or could you arrange for an emergency home visit. You need to see the Dr for treatment and something to relax you. Breathing exercises are a good idea, it might be a good idea to try the breathing exercises to see if they do help. Maybe put some soft relaxing music as well, close your eyes, make yourself as comfortable as possible, listen to the music, be aware of your breathing. Try to concentrate on the breathing and the music. Is there someone who can keep you company tomorrow. If necessary you can phone our chat line to just talk to someone. We have trained counsellors who will listen, guide and support you till mum gets home. You are not alone, you've reached out and we're here for you.
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Hi Breaza,
Welcome to the forums, i'm so sorry to hear you're going through such a bad patch at the moment but one of the good things about anxiety is that it never lasts forever. Bad periods may seem like they're lasting a lifetime but eventually they will subside and be replaced with something better. Unfortunately that's not that much good to you right now as you're having to deal with it right now.
Sounds like a lot of separation anxiety, something I can relate to. Mum = safe and removing her from your vicinity = anxiety. Is there some place you can be when she's away? Other family? Friends? I know the anxiety must be killing you right now but there are things you can do to distract yourself, even though that might sound impossible.
If you don't feel safe in your home environment then maybe you need to think about going into a mental health hospital. I've spent periods of time in them before and they've helped me immensely. Alternatively you could call the beyondblue chat on 1300 22 4636 and speak to somebody there. They're open 24/7 and deal with the kind of stuff you're experiencing every day. The most important thing is to keep yourself safe. Are you sure you can do that at home?
Keep in contact with us on the forums too.
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Hi, thanks for your replies it definitely helps knowing I can talk to someone except my mum.
My GP and I both didn't realize I would be allergic or have any side effects like this so is a once off hopefully! My normal GP is away for a month but luckily my mum has been working with another lady (I've seen before) over the phone to arrange the meeting with the mental health Dr yesterday and I am booked in to see her tomorrow morning and she knows about what I'm going through!
I also haven't been sleeping very well and have been having very scary dreams (death/suicide about people I don't even know) which I wouldn't normally have...
I will have to drive myself to the doc tomorrow so I'm nervous as I haven't driven in over a week and mum won't be with me. I just feel so stupid as I am almost 21 years old and I'm worried about my mother leaving me or me trying to leave her..
I am just trying to relax and get back into my normal routine but everytime I start to feel normal again I start to freak out.