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I'm a 14 year old girl and I just moved from the top of Australia (where I lived for 5 years and grew many friendships) to NSW and I am not dealing well with it all. I feel lost, like my life has no meaning. I am simply going to school, studying, laying in bed all weekend and repeat. I have made 2 friends but they both live an hour away from me because I don't go to my zone school. I don't fit in and all I want to do is go home, back to the Northern Territory. It is too hard to live down here and every time I think about home I start to cry, which is like every night. I just want to go home but my parents never want to go back because they grew up in NSW and want to stay here. I am only 14 so I cant go and live up there by myself and I just don't know how to deal with it. I fear that when I am old enough to move there alone, it won't be the same as it used to be and all I want to do is live out my life there. It is my home. I just need some way to deal with it and someone I can talk to.

3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Kirra, welcome

I know how you feel however I think its more a case of not making new friends around your new home than being home sick.

For example my 15yo daughter, 13 years ago felt similar when we moved country towns. I wanted her to get part time work. She told me her new friends at school said "there is only 3shops in town, you wont get a job". I told her to apply anyway. She did and two wanted her!. She stayed at one for 5 years and saved enough for a new car.

So a few things. Get distracted from boredom. Get hobbies, a part time job or sport. Perhaps talk with new friends on skype.

Finally, your parents would have a lot of worries, income, employment and wanting to return to their home state. In a few short years you will be making your own decisions on your life. I'm sorry I cant offer anymore help.

Tony WK

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Kirra, and can I welcome you to the forum.

I can feel your pain and I'm very sorry.

I think it's a very difficult decision for your parents to decide whether or not they move States because it involves so much, where to live, employment, leaving their own friends and for you to up and move into another school, which means you will have to make new friends.

So much can happen in 4 years, where some of your friends may also have to move because of their parent's employment.

I know that our family moved suburbs a couple of times, which meant that my twin and I had to make new friends as time went by one friend grew to two then three so a group was formed.

Someone will come up to you and ask you a question, this will mean that they want to be friends with you.
Good luck. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi Kirra102, I'm sorry to hear your going through a tough time at the moment. Have you spoken to your parents about how your struggling to adjust with the move? They might be able to help and support you with adjusting with the move and homesickness you feel.

I think White Knight has offered some great advice that doing some activities can help take your mind off things for a bit and can help meet new friends. Do you have any hobbies or interests? For example maybe you like sport, you could join a local sports club/team. This way your doing something you like and meeting people your age.

Or maybe start taking classes in learning a new skill or hobby some examples are:cooking, dancing, art, learn a new lznguage, etc.

What you could also do is see if there is any youth clubs/services in your area that you could join who can help support you in building some friendships and social connections.

Wit the 2 friends you have made, as previously suggested you could talk to your friends online such as through video chat and messages.

Also is there a teacher such as your homeroom teacher that you feel comfortable talking with? Maybe they could do some getting to know you exercises to help get everyone talking to each other and different people in class. I know it sounds kinda lame but doing the go around the circle and tell a fact about your self is a great way to find out about people and hearing that someone has the same interest or Hobbie is a great way to start a conversation with them.

I hope this is helpful and helps you in your situation and that things improve 🙂 Good luck!