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Community Member

i’m posting this in hopes that maybe someone else will see this and wont feel alone, also because i cant tell anyone else and need to get it off my chest in a safe space. i have many friends, im extremely extroverted and almost always talking to someone. however, lately ive come to realise that im not terribly close with my friends. they can talk about deep subjects of their own to me, but whenever i try to speak up about a mental concern its always shot down quickly or met with a dry response. this has caused me to feel quite lonely, and i decided to try to meet new people. this was however, short lived, because while i have the drive i have no clue where to meet people. i tried some apps that were similar to tinder but strictly for friendships and people would insult either my interests or my looks. i decided to go elsewhere and message some old friends, but none were interested. eventually, i came to the conclusion that joining clubs or attending classes featuring my interests would be a good idea, but unfortunately i dont have enough money to support that. so now im lost, hoping to find someone who understands me.

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello cqqrey, please feel you are not alone.

If I can say that when any type of depression confronts a person, then many friends decide that they can't help you or what they do say when you first tell them about how you are feeling then believe they don't want to be involved any more and disappear.

This has happened with many of us and have lost what we thought were our 'friends' who never are in contact with us any more.

When you become depressed you might think you are all alone, and yes that's exactly how it feels, but instead you are sorting out any true friends to those who only pretended to be our friends, so in one way that is good, although that's not how it feels in the beginning.

These people faking to be your friend will talk about themselves, but when you want to talk they aren't interested, so try not to associate yourself with these people, they will only break your heart.

When you are feeling this way, you feel alone, but if I can say and from experience, don't rush yourself, first of all you need to get all these feelings spoken to a counsellor before you are ready to accept any friends and your doctor can put you on a mental health plan, which means Medicare pay for 20 sessions to speak with a psychologist per year.

Over this time your mood will fluctuate and that's why you have to wait until it settles down, because during this process you might meet people who aren't people you really want, although there may be some who are, that's for you to decide on.

Please trust me eventually you will have enough friends later on and also know that you will change yourself all for the better.

Any questions please ask me.


Life Member.

Community Member

I’ve been experiencing this as well. I finished school a few months ago and I didn’t keep in contact with anyone from school cause I never really had friends at school. Unfortunately, I’m now left with no friends and I don’t even know where to find friends, I don’t have many hobbies and I don’t have a job either…

Hi modernart, I’m recently out of school as well. I don’t really have many friends and the ones I do have live far away or are too busy to talk. I don’t have many hobbies either but I love movies, music and other stuff like that. If you want to chat to someone, I’m free for a good conversation anytime.