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It’s becoming so much and I find myself not feeling real

Community Member

I don’t have a support system or yk any of that, no one to talk to I mean if I have my friends but I don’t wanna burden them with stuff. This always happens I just don’t know how to deal with stress and I end up breaking down in classes due to misunderstanding and feeling dumb. All of my friends are smarter and doing stuff but I can’t I just have this mental block I can’t do I it I just can’t. I’ve been thinking about ending it all but I’m I wouldn’t be able to do that I just think about it. I look in the mirror and don’t see myself but see this creepy imitation of what’s supposed to be me. I’m so scared for the future, I’m scared of failure. I just can’t do it anymore.

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Community Member

hi im lacy i feel the same wanna talk