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idk a little vent ig

Community Member

hi. im 14 and for the last few months my mental health hasn't been the best. i've been struggling for a while, when i was 11 i struggled with body image and since then continued to struggle with food. i've become so overwhelmed and it can keep me down for a while. it's hard for me to keep a happy outlook, especially when there's lots of people around, sometimes i just shut down and sit there. the smallest things can ruin my day, and even if i set off happy and feeling well i come back tired - im always so tired - and go to bed feeling like shit. i started today off happy but burnt out by 12; we have a group of 7, me and two other girls were at our lockers waiting for the other four but they didn't come, so we went to the bathroom and eventually figured out where they were, but that was my last straw so i had a go at them, i feel bad. then everyone started playing tag ig bc they could. i didn't play. i had already hit my limit, but normally i'm fine, i looked around to try and find another friend so i wasn't being a buzzkill but couldn't see anyone. so i just stood there in the middle of the oval trying to stop myself from crying, there was so much going on. thank god for my bsf, i tried to be fine but i wasn't. sometimes i'm fine but others i feel so low. i think i need help, but idk if i'm being silly.

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Community Champion
Community Champion


Welcome to the forum.

Thanks for being honest and reaching out. 
14 is hard and I am sorry you feel unwell.

can you talk to your parents.

there is a support line called kids  helpline .  1800551890  is staffed by trained professionals who are experienced in helping young people.