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I just need to vent... I think

Community Member

Hi, I'm a 23 y.o mum and for all of my life my dad has been a heavy smoker and drinker, it's been taking it toll on his health and last week we found out he had a silent heart attack( didn't get any symptoms)... Anyway, the doctor has ordered him to stop drinking, smoking, driving and working and he also has limited the liquid intake for the next four weeks. My mum told me this morning that dad has completely ignored the advice of the doctor and drove down the street this morning to buy a bottle of wine, smokes and the paper. When they confronted him he laughed it off as "it's not far to drive" and when they took the smokes and alcohol off him he hopped in the car and went and bought more.

 i don't know what to say or think. He keeps making excuses as to why it's ok. I'm going to see him tomorrow and ask him how he would feel if he hit another car, if he had another attack while driving... And what if that car was me and my little girl and he killed us both, how would he live with that... But he will just find more excuses. I'm so angry and upset with him and I don't know what to say or do. I get he has an addiction and I didn't expect him to totally quit smoking and drinking instantly... But they driving has really annoyed me. Sorry, I don't know why I've posted I'm just upset.

11 Replies 11

Community Member

I know this is old now but i was reading back through this post and thought i would update this situation. I remember feeling so supported by all your comments at this time.

My dad never did anything about his addiction but after that he started treating me as an adult and not a child. We grew extremely close and even had a few drinks together. My dad sadly passed away just over a year ago, his health tooks its toll and his heart just stopped. My mum and i are distant now as she has done some things i feel cant be forgiven. I am still here for her, and we catch up often. Thanks.

Hi Lostflutterby,

Welcome back! I'm sorry to read your Dad died, belated sympathy to you. It is nice to read you were able to spend some quality time with him though. Hope you manage to sort things out with your Mum. Relationships are not easy things to navigate!

Would you like to share more about what is happening in your life and how you are getting on?

I'm wondering if you have some issues on your mind that have caused you to reconnect tot he forum, ot maybe to just return to a place where you did feel some kind of connection. We humans do like to feel connected don't we!

Cheers to you from Dools