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chronic anxiety and paranoia (imagining things) .. I don't know how to get help

Community Member
So this is my first time posting anything so please forgive me for anything I say wrong.

But I've been suffering from chronic depression, PTSD from being abused and chronic anxiety. When I was younger I used to have nightmares, and I'd believe "ghost" or "spirits" would torture me, then I grew up and never really thought about it. I've started getting real help for my mental health with depression/ptsd/anxiety but due to financial stress I can no longer afford to see my psychologist. Lately I've been suffering from insomnia during the night, I'll sleep for 1 hour in the morning (daylight), so this is driving me crazy because I'm being tortured by my childhood "ghosts" I have never been so afraid. I have constant paranoia of hearing things and imagining someone breaking in and doing something horrifying. I see things in the dark. I don't know what's happening to me but I'm scared and I don't know how to ask for help because I know I sound crazy, I know there is absolutely nothing there but I can't convince my mind otherwise. I'm genuinely scared for my life when it's happening.

Please help!
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Kaitlym, and a warm welcome to you for posting your first comment, and sorry to know of what has happened to you, but you could ask your counsellor if they are able to bulk bill you, even if the session is a bit shorter, otherwise there are other counsellors who do bulk bill, so you could ring any of them in the phone book or click onto Get Support' and scroll down until you see 'Find a professional' and ask them if they are able to bulk bill you.

I can relate to believing someone is there, although for me it stopped a long time ago, I have OCD and now believed these were irrational thoughts but as I was growing up it always scared me, especially at night time and being alone.

I'm sorry that you are not able to sleep but first can I ask you to research 'irrational thoughts' this maybe the reason why you can't, and secondly please do what I suggest in my first paragraph, and would love to hear back from you. Geoff.