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How to drift away from certain friends

Community Member

Hello, this is my first time posting so bear with me please ヾ(゚д゚)ノ゛


Since the school holidays are almost up and I'm starting year 11, I find myself realising that a certain group of friends that I hang out with aren't really a good influence on me. Admittedly, I did have an argument with one of the members, but it was over something really petty and they haven't really seemed to let go of it, I heard from an ex group member that they have a habit of doing this. I don't want to hurt any of their feelings, but at the same time I feel like no matter how hard I try I cannot distance myself from them. I already deleted discord which they talk on, and messages as well. Maybe I am being too avoidant, but I really don't know what to do, I just cannot match their energy. But the thing is, since its only 2 years left should I even bother, half of that friend group is graduating this year and the others are graduating at the same time as me. I feel as though I am stuck in the middle, either cutting them off brutally or waiting the two years. The worse part is, I am still friends with my ex situationship, while there is no bad blood between us, because I'm friends with him I am still friends with that group by default and since they are in half my classes I have no idea what to do. Any tips or advice would be really welcome!


1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


Relationships can be so difficult. There is various degrees of actions depending on the "offence" done to you. For example- a group that is just making things hard for you, kind of not really hurting you but treating you different than their own group members, then you can drift away but always be cordial because that way, still on talking terms means you are making life easier for yourself. Bare in mind also that these group members act differently when alone so one or two of them could still turn out to be a future close friend. 


Nasty people however, those that intend cruelty need not be in your life. Treat them as if they dont exist BUT... if you can still say hello. The reason for the "hi" is that it shows you are mature, it means if you were to be put together in a class project of sorts, you can still work together- again it makes it easier for you.


So the message is to not over react, try to rid your life of revengeful thoughts, be kind always.


"It is unwise for a caterpillar to throw hatred at a butterfly because... they would be hating their future self..."

