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Everything I usually enjoy just seems difficult and pointless

Community Member
Hello everyone. Today isnt the best for me. I am feeling very depressed, nothing seems to be going very well. Its just very hard to look on the bright side today. Everything I usually enjoy just seems difficult and pointless. I dont think there is really a reason for it which puzzles me 😞  
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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Depression doesn't need a reason, much like a headache...it's just there and it will go away when it goes away. When we're feeling depressed though it puts a big blue filter over everything we look at which is awful, because it stops us from enjoying thigns we normally do, makes us take only the negative spin on everything. Sometimes forcing yourself to 'look on the bright side' can actually make you feel worse when depressed, a bit like having a broken ankle and trying to walk.  I find that breaking the day down into smaller chunks of time and keeping myself occupied can help, have you tried this?  Even if you only set yourself a task for fifteen or twenty minutes at a time.