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Depression, anxiety, weight, family, moving

Community Member
Hi, new member here and have been struggling with depression & anxiety for over 5 years now.. I’m only 20. I don’t really know how to put this in all words but basically I’m so tired of feeling alone, angry, nervous and worthless just about everyday.

I’ll start getting so worked up and make myself so angry and upset that I just can’t help but cry, which I then get frustrated with myself for feeling this way over something so silly or nothing at all, which turns into me crying harder and digging my nails into my skin.

I live with one of my sisters, her fiancé and two year old son, and I know it’s making my depression so much worse. This house involves arguments everyday between my sister and her partner and a toddler abusing the hell out of me everyday. I’m currently unemployed because I just moved back here again (I’ve moved around so much) and that’s definitely not helping. I’m so scared to tell her that I can’t live here but she got so mad and upset at me the last time I moved away from her.

I’ve struggled with my weight for years, I was always a skinny child but in grade 4 or 5 I started to put on weight after we moved states. I then moved different states again in 2009 (grade7), which I then lost the weight. In grade 10 I started to put it back on, that started when I found out we were moving to another town 5/6 hours away and haven’t been able to drop it since.

I’m sorry this is long and there is so much more to get out, such my headaches I get everyday, my anger issued mum. My family who are barely altogether at once, that when we are, all there is are arguments, some that have nearly turned to physical violence. I will also tell you that I don’t have any friends, ever since leaving that town in 2013, for some reason can never stay in contact or make a effort anytime i had moved new schools, maybe it’s because I’m so used to moving there was no point.

There’s no doubt more but this is too long now. I’m sorry but I just need help before I hit breaking point even more.
2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi azaleahey, welcome to the forums. I hear you, and I can just imagine how hard things can be at 20 with family conflicts. I have depression and anxiety about more than a decade since childhood... took me along while to realise something was wrong. Just want to let you know how strong you are for battling it for so long. I also moved a few places during my schooling years so I get that feeling of having no friends and stuff.

Is there something you do, however small that helped in the past? Something small to lift you up a little. Are there things you are passionate about? Family issues are hard to solve, in my opinion and personal experience, maybe distracting yourself from them might help? Being kind to yourself during tough times is important. Some people find journalling or running or doing arts and crafts or sports helpful... what works for you? I can’t really advise on moving out as I don’t know your situation well enough to suggest anything. Maybe other members here can think of something.

Community Member

Hey Az

So many people say the first step to being stronger is writing about it. Its true if your able to put it into words, right it down,and document what's wrong then congratz, youve managed to achieve something so many others cant.Its funny my journey on BB started when I was injured at work and the depression and anxiety hit home big time, writing how I felt and still have to go through helped me not do something stupid.Never's right about writing things down,at the same time ,where your living ,is there something in town you can volunteer for, even if its the tuck shop at the footy ground, do something ,get out of the house and achieve anything around town, it will help with socialization and contacts,my kids had it tough to when i was stationed in QLD, then SA, then WA, being the child of a service man is difficult to .

Stay strong and keep visiting us here, it help's.