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Can you fix yourself?

Community Member
I am almost certain I have depression, although I have not been diagnosed. I am so unhappy and really hate my life.. I have suicidal thoughts (not specifically about killing but about all the things I need to do before I die) I cry all the time and I am so unmotivated and always tried.. The biggest problem for me is I can't  hold a conversation at all. My mind is constantly blank and I can never think of anything to say when friends or family are talking to me. I try so hard to try and give more than one word answers but I have complete emptiness in my brain.. I never used to be like this I would talk my friends and family's ears off if they let me in the past. Looking back it has been over the past year that things have started to progressively get worse.

My question is now that I'm pretty sure I have depression and have acknowledged that is there anything I can do to help myself instead of seeing someone?

beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Mon, I want to thank you for coming to this site and offer you a warm welcome.

I can't tell you how sorry I am to read your comment, and just a quick answer to one of your questions is that you do seem to have depression, because what you have mentioned are certainly indicators that you do have this illness, as far as I am concerned.

It changes our personality from being an outgoing type person to then suddenly being someone who's livelihood and all our interests just fade away and are blocked from wanting to participate in.

I have always said that no one can possibly overcome depression by themselves, however what it can do for you is to make you feel a little better, but the trouble with this is that you are just putting a bandaid over these these problems, but it doesn't make you get to the core of the problems, which are unrecognised or you are too frightened to deal with them by yourself.

You also have the tendency to procrastinate and procrastination as always been a huge problem in regards to depression, we simply can't keep putting things off, and I know that there are different parts of depression that cause this, so it's a huge problem, and with my own depression it was always something that I did, and possibly still happens today, although I know that the sooner it's done the better it is, because if I don't it will be there again tomorrow, and the longer I leave it the worse it becomes.

Procrastination happens even when you see a psych, but the point is that if we don't see a psychologist then maybe none of these thoughts would have been brought to our attention, but these could be the underlying problems that we have, so no I don't believe you can in a proper way.

There seems to be so many hidden points that you have haven't mentioned, so I hope that you can get back to us. Geoff.