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Tonic The Bard on Being a CSA Survivor and Depression

Community Member

Hi Gang. Just Joined. No stranger to Forums/Fora, just come to look around and Sound Off.


CSA aged 8-9, 12, Again @ 14... Undiagnosed Depressive since 14, I had ALL the Symptoms and the Cruel, negative Mind-Spirals downwards.. Insomnia and Guilt added...


Upped it to Manic Depression in 2003. A source of Great Healing, as it turns out, like a Pressure Valve let off. Confronted The Past, Wrote all about it to myself (SOME others), the more came bubbling Up to be Dealt with. Defuse some Traumatic Event, and More will come clammering to be healed also.


I have been coaching and counselling fellow survivors over 20 years now.


Here's a Great Depression TOOL from My Drawers, use it Often! 🙂


"If you can take a Depressive who is... REALLY Closed Off, and get them to help do something Charitable for another friend, it CAN have an amazing effect! It costs nothing to Contrive, and is Worth a Try."

Dr Jordan Peterson the PSYCHOLOGIST, WHom I admire. A few More of his tools with me.


Nice to be here.

Tonic The Bard


3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Guest_06303403,


A warm welcome to the forums…


I like what you said about doing something charitable for someone else…when in deep depression…I did just that, volunteered at a well known charity shop, which was for me a very hard step to take…it took a lot of hard work at first to even get myself into work…(only started one day a week)….I’m now doing 3 days a week….distraction is an amazing tool to have….unfortunately it doesn’t always work…and that first baby step can feel like crossing a long long bridge….and when deeply, isolated depression takes over someone, it can be just too hard to even consider…it’s not an easy step to take….

I liked your song/s….you’re very talented…


My kind thoughts, Dear Guest..



Community Member

Hi and THANX Grandy...

Oh Yes, No Piece of advice I can offer will suit Everyone, Work for Anyone. But Like The Charitable Act - feelings of Worthiness, that Depressives AND Survivors Lack in Buckets, a Little bit Proud of yourself, and Especially if someone said "Thank You" for it. We had Troubles Thinking WELL of Ourselves. Lot of Self Loathing and Self-Creeped-Out, No Self Esteem or Pride in anything...

We All Got to Where We Are through DIFFERENT PATHS, different Triggers and Reactions to situations. But always SOME Common Ground, on the Psych Damage Trauma does to ALL. And If how *I* got out of some situation doesn't work, well I have 20 years of Friends' advice and how THEY coped, so if I see a siimilarity, I try THAT Friends advice on a New Friend.


Buddhist PSYCHOLOGY! (NOT Philosophy).

"Everyone's Problem is the Same Problem, deep down, we just don't see it for the Surface Squalls and Trials. It is Living a Dissatisfied/Unfulfilled Life, with No HOPE or PURPOSE to it." Hello!

I am good at giving my Friends a bit of Hope and Purpose, and they are as Good as DISTRACTION, Grandy!




There is a Clip from an Old Film Kept me Going in Childhood. WOuld come on every 2 years or so, so saw it at 8, 10, 12, got a bit more Compassion, Wisdom and Wonder from it!

Tony Randall in The 7 Faces of DR Lao.

I ended up joining The Theater (Lights) Rather than The Circus at age 16


Community Member

Two Favourite Teaching Songs I use with New Members. A Pretty Song and an Eerie Song to back them up. Boosts the Emotional Impact, Makes the Message Memorable (or Can Do) at Need! 🙂

Both For Beginners looking for a bit of Hope and Healing, and the Friendship of those who KNOW. But works for ANY kind of Childhood Trauma that Injured our Vision of Ourselves. In Both Cases, the Words Strangely APPROPRIATE to Survival..


*I'll Find My Way Home* - Jon Anderson of YES, and *MR Vangelis Papathanous* (of Chariots of Fire Fame).


"You ask me Where to Begin - AM I So Lost in MY Sin

You Ask Me Where Did I Fall? - I'll Say I Can't tell you When

But if my Spirit is Lost - How will I Find what is Near?

No Question, I'm Not ALONE - Somehow I'll Find My Way Home"


"Just Hold my Hand and we're There



And LOCAL GIRL Olivia Newtron Bomb (RIP) with

*"MAGIC" from Xanadu.*



I am a Musician and the tune Intrigued me, kind of Eerie, as I said. When the WORDS Jumped Out at Me, Lady Olivia was basically The Voice of every Guardian Angel I ever Dreamed of/longed for to save me. Awesome!! 🙂

"Come take my Hand, you should Know ME,

I've ALWAYS been in Your Mind - You Know I will be KIND,

I'll Be Guiding You, Building Your DREAM

Has To Start NOW, there's No Other Road To Take

You Won't Make a Mistake, I'll be Guiding You.

*Have to Believe WE are Magic, NOTHING Can Stand in Our Way*."


"Through Every Turn, I'll Be NEAR YOU,

Come any Time you CALL

CATCH You When you FALL! - I'll Be Guiding You."



A Large Tonic